Puritan CDC recommended specimen collection devices for Brid Flu H5N1

Microbiology News: Jun 2020

Special Focus on Choosing the Right Swab

30 Jun 2020 | Food & BeverageClinicalPharmaceutical

Swabs from MWE for the best results
Capture, maintain and release - that's all a swab has to do but there are a range of different swab materials and different transport systems. Browse through some of the options in our rapidmicrobiology special focus on swabs, covering applications in clinical and food sectors. more...
GenePro SARS CoV 2 FDA EUA Genecurix
The GenePro SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR test, developed by Gencurix (South Korea), has received FDA-EUA. The kit can work on a varitey of PCR instruments and has been designed to work on 384-well plates, quadrupling standard runs.  more...
Avacta and Cytiva, who are developing a point-of-care COVID-19 antigen detection test, are pleased with early performance data and claim the test can detect the virus' spike protein within the clinical range found in the saliva of COVID-19 patients.  more...
Neogen Hygiene Monitoring
Hygiene monitoring is an essential part of any food production process. But how do you make sure you are taking accurate samples? NEOGEN’s patented AccuPoint® samplers greatly increase the accuracy and consistency of ATP sampling. more...
COVID19 Colloidal Gold IgMIgG antibody test
WESAIL Biotech launches IgM/IgG Antibody COVID-19 Test Kit with 99% specificity and ≥90% sensitivity. It is used for the qualitative detection of IgM/IgG antibody in human whole blood/serum/plasma samples and indicates recent and previous infections in one single test. more...
US FDA COVID 19 Antibody Test
The US FDA has sent out warning letters to several companies who are illegally marketing COVID-19 serology kits as FDA approved and for also using the FDA logo on kits. FDA are encouraging health care professionals and consumers to report any concerns on quality to the FDA's MedWatch. more...

To Ask The Correct Question Choose The Correct Swab – Choose MWE!

25 Jun 2020 | Food & BeverageWaterPharmaceuticalVeterinary

Swabs for Diagnostics
Sigma Transwab® & Transwab® - best for bacteriology, Transwab® - the best gel swab, Sigma Transwab® - best for automated platforms, Fecal Transwab® - best for enterics, Sigma Virocult® - best for viruses, Sigma VCM - best universal /multi-purpose. more...
Dualo 32 BIOTECON Beverage RT PCR Detection KIt
BIOTECON Diagnostics has launched its new real-time PCR cycler: the Dualo 32®. Use the foodproof® Beer Screening Kits and foodproof® Spoilage Yeast Detection Kits with the Dualo 32, and you can detect more than 30 of the most important beer spoilage bacteria and several spoilage yeasts. more...
Campden BRI Phi6 virus SARS CoV 2 Surrogate Cleaning
Campden BRI has developed a new test using a SARS-CoV-2 surrogate virus to assess the effectiveness of disinfection operations. Campden BRI can test sanitisers and other cleaning products in its UK laboratories, and can also test and advise on the effectiveness of cleaning practices. more...
Pace labs sars wastewater
Monitoring water samples collected from wastewater treatment facilities for coronavirus RNA, can provide data on the prevalance of COVID-19 within a community, track the spread of the virus and alert communities to a rise in RNA levels before clinical diagnosis. more...
Swabs for sample collection and transportation
Alpha Laboratories has the expertise to respond to unique requirements and can help you choose the right swab to preserve your sample and protect your staff.  more...
The China National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) are constantly updating their 'allowed' of COVID-19 test kit vendors who they have given approval for export. You can download the most recent list here.  more...
The US Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has announced plans to expand its routine verification testing for six Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coil  (non-O157 STEC; O26, O45, O103, O111, O121, or O145) aswell as E. coli O157:H7.  more...
The US FDA have revoked an EUA given to Chembio for its COVID-19 serology test. Data submitted by Chembio and an independent study found the DPP COVID-19 IgM/IgG System showed a higher rate of false results that outweighed it's benefit to COVID-19 testing regimes.  more...
AccuSet SARS CoV 2 Performance Panel
LGC SeraCare has launched AccuSet™ SARS-CoV-2 Performance Panel; an out-of-the-box solution to provide confidence, mitigate sourcing challenges and accelerate antibody assay development, validation, verification and onboarding.  more...
ChromaCode HDPCR COVID 19
Chromacode's high-definition multiplex technology is now used to detect SARS-CoV-2. The HDPCR™ SARS-CoV-2 Real-Time PCR Assay is now FDA-EUA, allows high-throughput testing and runs on standard qPCR instruments with no on-site training required.  more...
Microbiology culture media in easy to use cassettes
Looking for a cannabis microbiology testing solution that you can trust while keeping your profitability in mind?  Perfect for screening, confirmation and more, CompactDry™ is an easy and efficient microbiology solution for labs of every size.  more...
AMSBio SARS CoV 2 Spike Protein Research
Adding to its ever-expanding COVID-19 portfolio which includes recombinant proteins, antibodies, inhibitor screening kits, ​AMSBIO has launched a new range of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Products to be used in immunocapture, cell-stimulating, flow cytometry applications, ELISA assays and biopanning. more...
foodproof Salmonella Enterobacteriaceae Lyo Biotecon
EC 2073 has required the testing of powdered infant formula for Salmonella and recommends screening for the Enterobacteriaceae family. BIOTECON Diagnostics real time-PCR foodproof Enterobacteriaceae plus Salmonella Detection LyoKit can detect both in a single assay. more...
Quidel's Sofia® SARS Antigen FIA, the first FDA-Emergency Use Authorized COVID-19 Antigen test, is now allowed to run on both of Quidel's Point-of-Care instruments; the Sofia 1 & 2. The instruments provide a result within 15 minutes.  more...
Blue Paper 4th edition Merieux NutriSciences
In this exclusive interview with rapidmicrobiology, Etienne Casal, Senior VP Europe at Mérieux NutriSciences gives readers a glimpse of what to expect in the newly released Blue Paper (4th ed.) on 'European food safety trends, key issues & perspectives' and future editions. more...
flowbot ONE COVID 19
Flowbot ONE, a Danish designed robot is becoming popular in Europe and Australia, where clinical laboratories are putting it to use in manipulating multiple live samples of SARS-CoV-2 simultaneously for analysis, potentially removing risk to personnel and error from the process.  more...
High Sensitivity qPCR 1Step COVID-19
PCR Biosystems' 4x RT-qPCR kit enables ultra-sensitive, high-throughput detection of viral RNA sequences, the new kit allows users to add more sample to their reactions to boost analytical sensitivity, even when working with small volume reactions. more...
Access IgG COVID 19 CE mark Beckman Coulter
Beckman Coulter has received CE-marking for its Access SARS-CoV-2 IgG assay. The serology test detects IgG antibodies targeting the receptor-binding domain of the spike protein and has confirmed 100% sensitivity and 99.8% specificity. Beckman Coulter can now manufacture 30 million tests per month.  more...

ALS Expands A2LA Scope to Cover COVID-19 Surface Testing

15 Jun 2020 | Food & BeverageClinical

ALS A2LA COVID 19 Surface testing
ALS, the international provider of lab services, has added surface testing for SARS-COV-2 to its US labs. ALS is one of the first to be accredited for this type of test by A2LA. The customer swabs their surfaces and sends this on to A2LA for testing.  more...
OPTI Medical Systems (IDEXX Laboratories) has received CE-marking for its FDA-EUA OPTI® SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR test kit. OPTI Medical was also awarded FDA-EUA for OPTI DNA/RNA Magnetic Bead Kit for nucleic acid extraction: Allowing OPTI to provide labs with a complete COVID-19 testing solution.  more...
The Illumina COVIDSeq™ Test is the first sequencing-based method to detect SARS-CoV-2 awarded EUA from the US FDA. It allows high-throughput testing, accommodating up to 3,072 samples per run on the NovaSeq™ 6000 Sequencing System & returns results in 24 hours.  more...
TBG Diagnostics Ltd (TDL), a global molecular diagnostics company with its manufacturing hub based in Taiwan, has been awarded US FDA-EUA for its CE-marked ExProbe™ SARS-CoV-2 Test Kit. TDL also has a CE-marked SARS-CoV-2 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Kit with a result turnaround of 15 minutes. more...
Don Whitley Contract Lab
This new DWS video presents an introduction to their GLP compliant contract microbiology research laboratories, providing services from routine analysis/quality control to substantial research and development programmes. more...
Roche Elecsys IL-6 test FDA EUA
Roche has received FDA-EUA for its Elecsys IL-6 test that warns clinicians their patients are at risk of severe inflammatory response due to COVID-19. The test measures levels of biomarker interleukin 6 (IL-6), which at high levels is known as a 'Cytokine Storm', that can be fatal. more...
Clinical Setting
Fast and easy way to monitor the success of cleaning and disinfection procedures with MVP ICON® system. more...
FDA EUA COVID Antibody CDC Perfomance
The US CDC, in collaboration with NIH, BARDA, FDA & DoD has performed evaluation studies on FDA- EUA COVID-19 Antibody test kits. Links to supplier pages with contact info, news articles and instruction booklets are provided on this page.  more...
Eurofins Technologies announces the launch of INgezim COVID 19 DR kits, a serology-based total antibody (IgG, IgA and IgM) detection ELISA assay (open platform) for indirect diagnostic of past exposure to COVID-19.With an incubation time of 75 minutes and no requirement for sample pre-dilution. more...
Omega Bio-tek Launches a New Viral RNA Extraction Kit for COVID-19 Testing with Production Capacity for 6 Million Tests A Month. The new magnetic bead-based extraction kit is adaptable to most liquid handling platforms for scalable, high-throughput purification. more...
As the world moves into the next phase of COVID-19 pandemic control the challenging task of re-opening public spaces without compromising public safety requires science-based surety. Bertin Technologies can help with the Coriolis Air Sampler + RT-PCR platform that collects and detects SARS-CoV-2. more...
Alpha Swabs COVID19
Alpha lab's swabs meet UK Government guidelines for COVID-19 sampling. They are manufactured in ISO class 8 or higher cleanroom conditions, under an ISO:13485 accredited quality system, certified free of PCR inhibitors, human DNA, RNase, DNase and pyrogens and sterilized by irradiation or EtO.  more...
MWE COVID19 Sigma Virocult VTM
MWE's Virocult® medium has shown to be completely reliable on molecular platforms, whether PCR or antigen, as well as the gold standard cell culture methods. A recent study shows it's possible to test directly from Sigma Virocult® medium using RT-qPCR without extraction. more...
The ENDOZYME® II GO kit for endotoxin testing is a recombinant factor C (rFC) assay with a 96-well microplate GOPLATE™. Preparation time is reduced five-fold with the aid of an automated pipetting robot (ASSIST PLUS), and throughput increased by 33% with on-deck INHECO microplate heater. more...
As the SARS-CoV-2 virus matures within the community, serology testing has ramped up. ELISA kits are a mainstay in clinical laboratory and this aspiration system can avoid unneccesary mistakes and is simple and ready-to-use.  more...

World Accreditation Day - 9 June 2020

05 Jun 2020 | Food & Beverage

 June 9th 2020 marks World Accreditation Day (#WAD2020), a global initiative established by ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) and IAF (International Accreditation Forum) to promote the value of accreditation. more...
ANDiS350 Nucleic Acid Extraction System
When the ANDiS®350 Nucleic Acid Extraction System is used with 3DMed's 2019-nCov nucleic acid detection kits (ANDiS SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza A&B RT-qPCR Detection Kit and ANDiS SARS-CoV-2 RT-qPCR Detection Kit), the detection sensitivity will be higher and the results more accurate. more...
Legionella Testing Kit
Hydrosense’s ultra-fast Legionella pneumophila SG1 test spots serious problems, fast. It creates immediate calls to action, quicker remedial solutions and mitigates the risk of potentially devastating Legionella outbreaks and public health impacts. more...
Logos Biosystems LUNA FX7
Combining accuracy, speed, flexibility, and ease of use, Logos Biosystems, LUNA-FX7™ is the latest addition to the LUNA cell counter family. more...
Priorclave Autoclave ETL EMC UKAS CE PED ASME
Priorclave has gained approval by the SFDA- Saudi Food & Drug Authority, for its entire range of research-grade laboratory autoclaves. Priorclave has developed and manufactures more than 60 standard laboratory models at its UK production facility. more...
Food pathogen testing for contract service labs
Bio-Rad Laboratories is an innovative, trusted global partner for food safety - delivering fast results, easy-to-use optimized workflows, with capacity to increase throughput. more...
Tangen Bio Lab Ware COVID 19
A mobile platform for COVID-19 testing has been developed through a Tangen BioSciences and LabWare partnership. The rapid portable test and disease surveillance kit will be used in drive-up test centres and assisted-living premises to provide rapid results to patients and CDC. more...
Ziath COVID 19 test trace isolate
To assist labs involved with the essential RT-PCR assay part of the “test, trace and isolate” strategy for dealing with the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic – Ziath has introduced two optimized packages for reliable tracking of patient samples submitted for Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing. more...
USP has provided guidelines for Recombinant Factor C (rFC), critical to the development of vaccines and other sterile pharma products. USP is also making draft guidelines on rFC testing available for developers of COVID-19 vaccine and therapies as part of the Trust Accelerated program.  more...
Food Safety Testing Solutions
As part of World Food Safety Day 2020, this rapidmicrobiology special focus details products that can help manufacturers and microbiology laboratories ensure safe, reliable food, every time. more...
food microbiology testing
The INTERSCIENCE range of products and unique solutions are designed to avoid risk of cross contamination during sample preparation, reduce repetitive and tedious operations and ensure traceability and saving of all data. more...
Detect norovirus on surfaces
Puritan’s Norovirus Collection and Transport System is used for the detection of human norovirus on environmental contamination during outbreaks. Available dry or pre-moistened it detects viruses when clinical samples are not available and monitors the effectiveness of cleaning practices. more...