Puritan CDC recommended specimen collection devices for Brid Flu H5N1

Microbiology News: Jun 2017

Aflatoxin M1 is currently a big challenge for the dairy industry, Georgios Papageorgiou, Operations Manager with ProGnosis Biotech Ltd., compares current techniques for testing dairy products for Aflatoxin M1. more...
For BPW and Listeria enrichment media, FitBag Enrichment Media are in a ready to fill format offering the flexibility to be filled and mixed, Quickbag Enrichment Media are supplied with water pre-filled, just break the dividing seal and mix. more...
PCR Test Specifically Detects All Cronobacter spp
The foodproof® Cronobacter Detection LyoKit is ultra sensitive with a specificity of 100% for all Cronobacter spp.. Option for differentiation between live and dead cells is available. more...
New environmental sample collection tools for food processing / packing facilities, improving recovery and viability of microorganisms to support accurate detection or enumeration in the laboratory. World Bioproducts Booth # 627. more...

What Lab Managers Want - Infographic

27 Jun 2017 | Food & BeverageOther

Lab managers rank their top five challenges which included: instrument maintenance and downtime (73%), the growing complexities of instrument testing requirements (63%), time consuming sample preparation (60%), keeping up-to-date with changing regulations (52%) and need for better data management (50%). more...
The Aquadien™ Bacterial DNA Extraction and Purification Kit extracts and purifies bacteria present in water samples for real-time PCR detection, this video demonstrates the filtration and DNA extraction technique. more...
Wickham Laboratories have continued the development of their sterility department following on from the addition of a third isolator in 2015 and the expansion of the sterility cleanroom’s footprint in 2016. more...
Microbiologics range of QC microorganisms for food laboratories
Microbiologics is the leading provider of QC microorganisms for food laboratories. We offer custom controls and over 900 strains in a variety of formats including qualitative, quantitative and CRM. Booth #635. more...
3M MDS EcoliO157
3M Food Safety’s next-generation molecular assay test for E. coli O157 (including H7) is 30 percent faster compared to the previous version and now has AFNOR certification. more...

CHROMagar + MALDI-TOF = The Perfect Match

26 Jun 2017 | ClinicalOther

Combined use of chromogenic media and MALDI-TOF MS
Recent study shows that CHROMagar media has no influence on microbial identification by MALDI-TOF MS and that both technologies can be used together for identification of microorganisms. more...
Following a six month comparison study between Colilert-18 and traditional agar plating has resulted in South West Water moving to replacing plates with the Colilert-18 system as it was found to be faster and more accurate. more...
Stomacher 400 EVO laboratory blender
Seward will be demonstrating their recently launched Stomacher® 400 EVO laboratory blender together with its products for large volume food sample preparation and FDA BAM methods - including the Stomacher® 4500 BAM. Seward will also highlight its Insterprep range of sterile pre-weighed media. Booth #541. more...
Hygiena BAX
Hygiena delivers rapid microbial detection, monitoring, and identification solutions to improve food safety. From environmental monitoring and PCR pathogen detection to microbial fingerprinting, Hygiena is with you at every step. Booth #607. more...
Norovirus Swab from Puritan
Puritan, North America’s largest manufacturer of swabs and specimen collection devices, recently released a norovirus detection kit, which will make your environmental monitoring more complete and will set you at ease. Booth# 744. more...

Proficiency Schemes for Microbiology Laboratories

20 Jun 2017 | Food & BeverageOther

Proficiency Schemes for Microbiology Laboratories
Proficiency schemes are the ultimate test of the ability of a laboratory to provide correct test results, Fiona Cawkell, co-founder of the Campden Microbiology Proficiency Scheme (CMPS) reviews what they are and why laboratories need to use them. more...
mastdiscs® combi Carba plus (D73C) can be used in conjunction with mastdiscs® ID range – CAT™ID (D71C), to confirm and differentiate enzymes expressed by CPE once screened positive for carbapenemase activity. more...
The APAS® is a breakthrough artificial intelligence technology for the automated imaging, image analysis, interpretation and reporting of growth on microbiology culture plates after incubation. more...

Neogen Expands Food Safety Genomic Testing

20 Jun 2017 | Food & Beverage

Neogen’s new NeoSeek™ genomic services utilize a novel application of 16s metagenomics to determine all bacteria in a sample, without introducing biases from culture media, and without the need to generate a bacterial isolate for each possible microbe in a sample. more...
ISPE Good Practice Guide: Decommissioning of Pharmaceutical Equipment and Facilities describes a risk-based approach for planning and documenting the decommissioning process to meet the requirements of regulatory authorities. more...
Culture Media Performance Testing ISO 11133 2014
Users of bioMérieux ready-to-use culture media are not required to carry out extensive tests to be in compliance with ISO 11133: 2014. bioMérieux offers multiple solutions and evidence documents to simplify tests and reinforce confidence in your food and water analyses. more...
Any Medicare-certified facility must have a water management plan that includes routine testing for waterborne pathogens such as Legionella. LiquiTech have an easy online ordering system for water testing and management plans. more...
Waters introduces LiveID software for real-time, direct-from-sample food analysis and plant phenotyping direct sample classification by mass spectrometry. more...

DISPENSMAN - an Accurate and Safe Bottle-top Dispenser

13 Jun 2017 | Food & BeverageClinicalOtherPharmaceuticalVeterinaryCosmetic/Personal Care

The three-position nozzle controls the dispensing of liquids, the removal of air in the system to avoid liquid loss, and includes an anti-drip safety feature that returns liquid to the bottle. more...
ELITe InGenius instrument
ELITechGroup now have CE-IVD marking for the STI ELITe MGB® Panel, a real-time PCR multiplex assay for the detection of C. trachomatis, N. gonorrhoeae and M. genitalium. more...
Mars Food UK Limited have issued a nationwide recall on a variety of their popular chocolate products following Salmonella detection. more...
AllerSnap screens for all allergens
AllerSnap is both cost effective and time saving - especially when testing for multiple surface allergens. One swab test checks for all proteins, quickly confirming the hygiene of a surface, and eliminating the need to run multiple expensive allergen-specific tests. more...
ResistancePlus MG test, the first CE-IVD test for Mycoplasma genitalium to combine detection with testing for azithromycin resistance more...
BAT System
The BAT media & Guaiacol Detection Kit combines ready-to-use culture media with clear enzymatic detection of off-flavour producing Alicyclobacilli - growth-promoting nutrients produces faster results whilst enzymatic detection of guaiacol can be determined with visual analysis. more...
Mérieux NutriSciences have launched the first edition of its  Blue Paper , entitled  “European Food Safety Trends, Key Issues & Perspectives” . Starting from  consumer perspective  and ending with  future challenges , the paper presents key information through the use of more...
The IR Biotyper™ System enables fast, routine and cost-effective strain typing for hospital infection control and earlier detection of outbreaks due to multi-resistant strains. The MALDI Biotyper®-based KPC Microbial Subtyping detects Klebsiella pneumoniae strains carrying carbapenemase-encoding blaKPC gene. more...

How One Lab Ended Manual Capping and De-Capping

06 Jun 2017 | ClinicalOtherPharmaceutical

The Micronic Univo Electric Capper CP480 can seal an entire rack of 96 tubes within 7 seconds and has a guaranteed evenly capping result. more...
MIC Strips for Saureus Telavancin
A quantitative assay for determining the MIC of telavancin against Staphylococcus aureus (including methicillin-resistant isolates) and Enterococcus faecalis (vancomycin-susceptible isolates only). more...

High Throughput Biological Sample Collection & Processing

06 Jun 2017 | Food & BeverageClinicalOtherPharmaceuticalVeterinaryCosmetic/Personal Care

VIAFLO processing dried blood samples
Overcoming the limitations of 8 channel pipettes, the semi-automated VIAFLO 96 is now an integral part of Neoteryx’s Mitra® Microsampling device capable of handling hundreds or thousands of biological samples per day all within a small footprint. more...