Charles River Endosafe Cartridge Technology

Microbiology News: Oct 2017

Using the special 'FlowerPlate' design, together with their BioLector or BioLector Pro micro bioreactor system, m2p-labs can provide an intelligent micro fermentation platform, the underside of the plate is clear so real-time physical measurements can be taken during incubation. more...
California State University, Fullerton have ordered 9 energy efficient research grade autoclaves from Priorclave; three 150 litre, one 200 litre and five 320 litre autoclaves will be used to manage the safe and efficient disposal of waste and sterilisation of glassware from the University’s research and academic programs. more...

Bio-Rad's Salmonella PCR Kit Receives AOAC OMA Approval

30 Oct 2017 | Food & BeverageOther

Bio-Rad s em Salmonella em PCR Kit Receives AOAC OMA Approval
AOAC INTERNATIONAL validated Bio-Rad’s iQ-Check® Salmonella II Real-Time PCR Kit as a First Action Official Method of Analysis (OMA method number 2017.06) for the detection of Salmonella spp, 12 hours in raw meat and 20 hours for all other samples. more...
Selective Growth of Colistin Resistant Bacteria on CHROMagar COL- em APSE em
Colistin resistance is becoming more common in a number of human, animal and environmental bacterial pathogens. CHROMagar™ COL-APSE is the go-to primary isolation medium to recover colistin resistant bacteria from a range of samples. more...
Lonza s Latest MODA Update Enables Companies to Meet Regulatory Guidance
The latest version of MODA-EM™ Paperless Environmental Monitoring solution, now has additional features focusing on data integrity, data visibility and data review. more...

New Advanced Pipetting Academy Makes You a Pipetting Master

25 Oct 2017 | Food & BeverageClinicalOtherPharmaceutical

Alpha Laboratories and Sartorius launched Advanced Pipetting Academy™, an ISO9001 and ISO13485 accredited training programme. The state-of-the-art online course covers Advanced Pipetting Techniques, Cell Culture Techniques, Pipette Service and more! more...
New Multiplex Real-time PCR Kits Detect Clinically Relevant -lactamase Genes
Two new kits available from Alpha Labs - detect 9 carbapenemases, ESBLs and plasmid-mediated ampC gene families and target 6 plasmid-mediated ampC resistance gene families differentiating plasmid-mediated ampC β-lactamase resistance from chromosomal resistance. more...
This November, Cherwell Laboratories supports two conferences: the NHS Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance and Technical Services Symposium 2017, and the Pharmaceutical Microbiology: The Past, Present and Future (Pharmig’s 25th Annual Conference). more...
12 factors have been identified as holding up the introduction of field based PCR instruments for in field or POC/PON testing. Download the white paper to see if you agree! more...
RapidChek Listeria and Salmonella
Environmental monitoring helps to prevent contamination of your finished products. Here is how Romer Labs can help you test your production environment without the need to invest in expensive equipment or intensive training for your staff. Watch Now. more...
Available across both circular and square section sterilizers, the specially developed 21 CFR 11 controller software captures any change made to a cycle, option, or device parameter – which will require an electronic signature authorisation. more...
Liofilchem MIC Test Strip MTS Clindamycin CD
Clindamycin is the ninth in a long series of MIC Test Strip items to be approved by the FDA, following recent approval of the Delafloxacin, Vancomycin, Dalbavancin, Ceftolozane-tazobactam, Meropenem, Ceftazidime, Telavancin and Tedizolidstrips. more...

Are You Prepared for the Flu Season Ahead?

20 Oct 2017 | ClinicalOther

Viral Transport Medium swabs for flu
NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens has told the NHS to brace itself for a bad flu season ahead. To help with response planning, Medical Wire offer combined collection and transport systems for viruses, which are tried and tested to give the most accurate diagnosis. more...

CHROMagar™ C.perfringens - a Chromogenic Alternative to TSC

19 Oct 2017 | Food & BeverageWaterOther

Clostridium perfringens agar that does not need agar overlay
Detection and enumeration of C. perfringens from food and water samples can be made easier with CHROMagar™ C.perfringens, a selective media which does not require any agar overlay, C. perfringens appear as easy to count orange colonies. more...
Rapid and easy to use qualitative in vitro diagnostic (IVD) nucleic acid test for the detection and differentiation of norovirus genogroups I and II from raw or unpreserved unformed stool specimens or Copan eSwab preserved stool specimens. more...
LabVantage has launched the first LIMS that helps drug manufacturers conform to the FDA draft guidance on “Data Integrity and Compliance with CGMP.” more...

PrimusLabs Now Uses BAX® System in All US Labs

12 Oct 2017 | Food & Beverage

PrimusLabs a contract service provider for testing of fresh produce now has the ability to to test samples using the Hygiena BAX® System, based on PCR, the BAX delivers fast reliable results on a range of food pathogens. more...
Smart Tools for Microbiological Quality Control from Sartorius
As a QC lab technician, you are a Real Hero for us and deserve only the best! Thank you for visiting us during PDA, where we hope you discovered our unique tools to help you to meet the daily challenges within your QC process. more...
Inlabtec automated serial dilutions in stomacher bags
The Inlabtec Serial Diluter pioneered the use of dedicated Serial Dilution Bags as an alternative to the traditional test tube techniques, many users are ISO 17025 accredited labs who are benefiting from substantial improvements in their testing productivity and the quality of their food testing results. more...
How are you addressing risk management and data integrity
Visit Charles River Microbial Solutions at Booth #209 to explore our extensive QC micro portfolio including demo of fully automated endotoxin testing system, environmental monitoring software and ATP-based microbial detection. more...
This year the theme for 2017 PDA Pharmaceutical Microbiology meeting was 'Solving Microbiological Challenges and Sustaining Success Through a Culture of Collaboration'. Explore here the latest from the exhibition stands. more...
The FTlyo Enteric fever kit includes blood collection tubes containing a proprietary Salmonella enrichment broth and ready-to-use multiplex PCR for detection of: Salmonella spp., Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi, Salmonella enterica serovar Paratyphi including an internal control. more...

Pipet Controller Does One Button Aliquoting

09 Oct 2017 | Food & BeverageWaterClinicalOtherPharmaceuticalVeterinaryCosmetic/Personal Care

The Ovation ali-Q incorporates a proprietary intelligent measuring system to precisely measure and dispense aliquots with minimal input from the user. The user simply sets an aliquot volume on the volume-set dial and with a single press of the unique aliquot button dispenses each aliquot. more...
Particle Measuring Systems and Novatek International have announced a global partnership providing a fully integrated and comprehensive software and hardware solution towards a risk-based approach for the environmental monitoring in controlled manufacturing processes. “PMS is focused on more...
10th European Meeting on Molecular Diagnostics
New study at EMMD 2017, shows efficacy of MWE’s range of liquid medium transport swabs on the BioFire FilmArray® platform, including FilmArray® Blood Culture Identification panel, FilmArray® GI panel, and FilmArray® Respiratory panel. more...
Detect Legionella in less than 2 hours including VBNC
Quantify bacterial pathogens, e.g. Legionella, within just two hours with the rqmicro lab-on-a-chip technology. The automated and highly specific method is based on the combination of immunomagnetic separation, microfluidics and flow cytometry. more...
The Tecta-PDS can detect Enterococci in between 2 to 24 hours depending on initial numbers with limit of detection of 1 CFU/100ml. Based on fluorescent detection the platform is ready to use with no need for media preparation and is fully automated. more...
bioMerieux Symposium covering Data Integrity Identification Recombinant factor C
Register now for the bioMerieux symposium at PDA Micro: “Solving Microbiological Challenges and Sustaining Success through a Culture of Collaboration”, to be held October 2017. PDA Microbiology Booth #200 more...
novel bench top bio-concentrator rapidly concentrates bacteria parasites molds fungal spores whole cells viruses including my
See a demonstration of the new concentrating Pipette Select - the only automated and rapid bio-concentrator available. PDA Microbiology Booth #303. more...
The DPP® Zika System, which provides results in 15-20 minutes from only 10µL of blood, is the first rapid Zika test to receive an FDA EUA for use in high and moderate complexity CLIA certified laboratories. more...

Multichannel Pipetting to Make You Smile

03 Oct 2017 | Food & BeverageWaterClinicalOtherPharmaceuticalVeterinaryCosmetic/Personal Care

GripTips - Best way to keep pipette tips on pipette
Take the ‘pain’ out of multichannel pipetting - INTEGRA’s handheld multichannel pipettes and GripTip system allow tips to effortlessly snap onto the pipette and ensures they are always firmly attached, perfectly aligned and easily ejected. more...