CHROMagar™ C.perfr...
Salmonella from Rece...
30th October 2017 Content supplied by: CHROMagar
Selective Growth of Colistin Resistant Bacteria on CHROMagar™ COL-APSE

CHROMagar™ COL-APSE is a sensitive and specific medium for the selective growth of colistin resistant bacterial pathogens.
Polymyxin E (colistin) and B are increasingly used as antimicrobials in the treatment of multi-drug resistant bacterial infections. Although intrinsic in Gram-positive and some Gram-negative species (Proteus, Morganella, Serratia), polymyxin resistance is now a problem in a number of other pathogens (Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica, Klebsiella pneumoniae).
Resistance arises due to mutations / insertions in genes involved in LPS biosynthesis (lpx, pmrA/B, mgrB, phoP/Q) and/ or the acquisition of phosphoethanolomine transferases (PEtN).
The recently described plasmid-encoded PEtN, MCR-1, is of great concern and is now found worldwide in a range of animal, human and environmental bacterial isolates.
CHROMagar™ COL-APSE is particularly useful as a primary isolation medium in the surveillance and recovery of colistin resistant bacteria from complex human, veterinary and environmental samples especially those with plasmid mediated MCR-1 or novel mechanisms of polymyxin resistance.
Date Published: 30th October 2017
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CHROMagar™ C.perfringens - a
Salmonella from Recent Contamination of