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Fecal Transwab® - M...

9th October 2017  Content supplied by: Medical Wire & Equipment Co

Efficacy of MWE’s Liquid Medium Transport Swabs on BioFire FilmArray® Platform

MWE will be exhibiting at the 10th European Meeting on Molecular Diagnostics at Noordwijk aan Zee, Netherlands.

A new study to be presented demonstrates the efficacy of MWE’s range of liquid medium transport swabs on the BioFire FilmArray® platform, including FilmArray® Blood Culture Identification panel, FilmArray® GI panel, and FilmArray® Respiratory panel.

Using complete control sets of organisms and the appropriate transport devices including Sigma Transwab®, Fecal Transwab®, Sigma Virocult®, Sigma VCM™, and Sigma GBS™, all organisms were accurately detected without interference. In total 41 organisms were targeted and correctly detected.

A separate study in another country has recently demonstrated the successful use of Sigma Virocult with the new FilmArray® RP2 plus panel.

All MWE’s liquid transport devices are also validated for conventional culture techniques, including use on automated platforms, so rapid molecular diagnosis can be combined with confirmation by regular culture, or the specimen can be retained for further investigation.

The liquid format is ideal for aliquotting to allow multiple techniques to be employed providing the fullest information for clinicians and scientists.


Medial Wire Sigma Virocult swab and transport kit for recovery and detection of virusesMedical Wire Sigma VCM - Universal Transport medium for Viruses, Chlamydia, Mycoplasmas and Neisseria


References 1. Laughlin, J., 2017, The Efficacy Of Various Liquid Transport Devices On The FilmArray® Platform, 10th European Meeting on Molecular Diagnostics, 2017, Netherlands (to be presented) 2. Houhamdi, L., A. Bal & F. Morfin, 2017, Implementation of the BioFire FilmArray®Respiratory Panel 2 plus as a syndromic approach for the diagnosis of respiratory infections, 20th ESCV 2017, Italy

BIOFIRE®, & FILMARRAY® are registered trademarks of bioMérieux SA RCS Lyon 673 620 399 and/or BioFire Diagnostics, LLC

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Date Published: 9th October 2017

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