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12th October 2017  Content supplied by: Sartorius AG

Smart Tools for Microbiological Quality Control from Sartorius

Thank you very much for the interactive exchange during PDA Microbio! We would like to provide you a short overview of our exhibited products during PDA: QC tools to help you facilitate your processes.

You as a QC lab technician play a crucial role in the pharmaceutical manufacturing process. You face challenges day by day when it comes to ensuring safety and compliance in processes such as sampling, detecting and counting microorganisms. For Sartorius you are a Real Hero!

Discover our smart tools to keep microbiological quality under control:

  • Sterility Testing – Be able to aseptically transfer samples out of a closed, sterile system: due to the Sterisart® Septum Technology. Our Sterisart® System is designed for sampling. Acting as a sterile barrier the Sterisart® Septum allows you a safe and aseptic sample transfer out of a closed, sterile system. This enables you to take samples whenever needed or to transfer samples into a rapid detection system after only a few days of incubation. A secure and flexible method no one else can offer you. Read more


  • Air Monitoring – Discover agar-free, continuous air monitoring: thanks to the MD8 Airscan® with unique gelatin membrane filters. Are you monitoring in class A controlled areas? Each time you change agar plates you risk cross contamination. The MD8 Airscan® provides non-stop active air monitoring for at least 8 hours using only one single gelatin membrane filter. The proprietary, USP-approved filter retains even smallest viable airborne microorganisms at the most accurate levels. Practically ruling out false negative results. Convenient, continuous control no one else can offer you. Read more


  • Microbial Enumeration – Experience forceps-free, effortless membrane transfer per “Magic Lid”: with Microsart® @filtre and Microsart® @media. No forceps, no forces – it’s the “Magic Lid” that does the trick. Due to an integrated adhesive ring in the lid, it effortlessly affixes the membrane and positions it correctly on the agar plate. With a turn, it’s locked, then just incubate and count as usual. A well-conceived system no one else can offer you. Because real heroes deserve only the best. Read more


  • Mycoplasma Detection – Be sure to have the highest specificity without cultivating living mycoplasma for weeks: with the Microsart® Mycoplasma Kits. Why waste time waiting for reliable results? Viable, but non-culturable (VBNC) Mycoplasma go undetected when using the traditional method of mycoplasma culturing, risking false negative results. The Microsart® qPCR kits offer a method for early detection of mycoplasma contamination. Fast, highly specific and in line with international guidelines – both false positive and false negative results are practically ruled out. A safe and rapid solution. Read more


  • Bacterial Detection – Experience rapid bacteria detection within only 3hours instead of days: with validated Microsart® ATMP Bacteria. Using the proven real-time PCR method, Microsart® Bacteria enables the detection of a bacterial contamination within 3 hours. Before treatment you can be sure that only bacteria-free cell therapy products will be used. This ensures patients’ safety and reduces the need for prophylactic medication with antibiotics. A pioneering test no one else can offer you. Read more

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Date Published: 12th October 2017

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