Charles River Endosafe Trillium rCR cartridges

Microbiology Buyer Directory : Veterinary

Sector: Veterinary

Test type: Swabs Environmental Monitoring

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Salmonella Poultry Boot Swab Kits

Technical Service Consultants unique ‘all in one’ Salmonella Poultry Boot swab kits consist of both a 2 & 5 paired simple, cost effective and user friendly and environmental product for the assessment of Salmonella prevalence in poultry flocks. End user has the choice of Boot swab kits or Boot swab kits and

Suppliers who have products in this sector:

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TM Media (Titan Biotech Ltd.)

Zeptometrix Swab Based Controls

CRO Screening Anti-Infective Agents

Request a sample of Condalab Legionella plates for water testing

Neogen new and emerging methods in microbiology workshop

Pharmalab 2024

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