Puritan CDC recommended specimen collection devices for Brid Flu H5N1

Featured Products

Redefine Your Standards for Sterility Testing

State-of-the-art closed filtration system for lot-release sterility testing of sterile pharmaceuticals. The Sterisart® NF system is easy to use and ensures the maximum reliability of your sterility test results.  The portfolio is designed to cater to your specific sterility testing needs and is fully compliant with all pharmacopeial and

Detect Microbial Contaminants Earlier. 

The Milliflex® Rapid 2.0 system combines membrane filtration and ATP bioluminescence to detect, image, and quantify microcolonies of bacteria, yeasts, and molds up to 4x faster than compendial bioburden or sterility testing. Compatible with a variety of filterable samples in the pharmaceutical, ATMP, biotech, and personal care industries, it helps to improve

Annex 1 - A rapidmicrobiology Special Focus

The revised EU GMP Annex 1 is now over 50 pages long and includes new requirements as well as additional detail on many of the existing requirements. Browse through our rapidmicrobiology special focus to see solutions on offer to help compliance.

BioPerfectus Launches New PCR Kits for Vector-Borne Infections

Almost everyone has experienced a bite. Vector-Borne diseases are transmitted to animals and human hosts through bites, mainly from mosquitos, ticks, mites, lice, or fleas. Past outbreaks indicate that preparedness is the key to infectious diseases. The capacity to recover, prepare for, and respond to outbreaks is very important. Vector-Borne Diseases are

Are You Ready to Revolutionize Your Lab?

Increasing sample volumes, complex processes, and changing regulations are influencing priorities in the QC lab, creating a new paradigm for endotoxin testing. Streamline your testing and processes while bolstering your productivity and data integrity strategy with the Endosafe® Nexus 200™.


  VERIFLOW® BOTTLESAFE™ helps to verify pre-bottling quality and ensure your carefully crafted wines are free of spoilage bacteria and yeast, protecting your vintage and your brand. BENEFITS RAPID - Onsite results < 4 hours COST-EFFECTIVE - A fraction of the cost of sending out for laboratory services SIMPLE - Streamlined

INTEGRA WELLJET Reagent Dispenser

INTEGRA Biosciences has developed the WELLJET family of dispensers to reduce running costs, increase productivity and provide longer walk-away times for bulk microplate filling and reagent dispensing. Available with or without an automated plate stacker, the WELLJET uses the innovative EasySnap™ dispensing cassette to provide accurate and precise hands-free filling of

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Antigens and Antibodies 

Sino Biological has developed a comprehensive collection of RSV-related reagents for viral research (17 antigens, 7 antibodies, 80+ ELISA Kits, and cDNAs) that cover RSV A and B from over 5 strains. These reagents can be applied to the therapeutic antibody, vaccine, and immunodiagnostic assay development.

Does Plate Brand Choice Change Active Air Sampling Accuracy?

Have you considered whether the brand of plate you are using in your air sampler could affect your EM sampling results enough to impact compliance with Annex 1? With over 35 years of experience in servicing and calibrating, Cherwell recently witnessed that different brands of plates used in conjunction with this equipment affected results.

Cherwell's Accessory Product Portfolio Aids EU GMP Annex 1 Compliance

Cherwell's environmental monitoring (EM) accessory range maximises protection of EM samples in line with the new EU GMP Annex 1.  The new Annex 1 forces manufacturers to face key challenges with the new zero cfu limit in Grade A spaces and the avoidance of any false positive, as well as how events