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24th October 2023  Content supplied by: variouse sources as indicated

Automation Including Liquid Handling for Microbiology Labs - a rapidmicrobiology Special Focus

Automating areas of the microbiology laboratory can offer many advantages such as increased accuracy, improved efficiency, reduced turnaround time, and decreased risk of contamination. It also enables the processing of a large number of samples simultaneously, reduces the need for manual labor, and provides consistent and reliable results. It can also help address shortages in skilled staff and improve traceability of the test process from sample to result.

How Does Automation in Microbiology Improve Results?
Reduces human input: such as mislabeling samples, incorrect reagent addition, misinterpreting results and mitigate Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI).

Standardization: all samples are processed in the same way, this reduces variability and improves the consistency of results.

Increases throughput: process a larger number of samples in a shorter amount of time than manual methods, leading to faster turnaround times and more timely, actionable results.

Improves sensitivity and specificity: some systems are specifically designed to detect the presence of even low counts or specific genetic markers with high sensitivity and specificity.

Facilitates Traceability and Accountability: who did what, where, when and how are easily recorded and stored for complete data integrity.

What are the challenges associated with the implementation of automated systems in microbiology laboratories?
One of the main challenges is the capital cost of purchasing, installing and staff training. Subsequent to that are the annual maintenance and repair costs, plus some platforms will require higher cost reagents. Also, during the installation phase the lab will mostly likely need to run tests in parallel with existing techqniues to validate results. Systems newly introduced to the lab may not always be compatible with existing laboratory protocols and procedures, so some modifications in workflow and processes may be needed modify to accommodate the instrument. Initial start up errors in data input or equipment malfunction can lead to inaccurate results, . Despite these challenges, the advantages of automation in microbiology normally outweigh the costs and difficulties associated with implementation.

In this rapidmicrobiology special focus on automation in the microbiology laboratory we explore solutions for improving liquid handling from electronic pipettes to fully automated instrumentation plus many options to automate specific tests such as endotoxin, mycoplasma, NGS and sample prep for chromatography.

Automated Detection System for Early Detection of Microbial Contamination in Filtrable Samples

Automated Detection System for Early Detection of Microbial Contamination in Filtrable Samples

Back by popular demand, the Milliflex® Rapid 2.0 system automatically detects, images, and quantifies viable microbial contaminants in filterable samples throughout the manufacturing process. Delivering results up to 4x faster, it is the ideal solution for sterility and bioburden testing.
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Maximize Lab Performance with the Power of Automation 

Maximize Lab Performance with the Power of Automation 

The Bio-Rad iQ-Check Prep Solution is an automated PCR sample preparation system optimized for flexibility, to fit easily into the existing workflow of your food pathogen testing lab.
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The Future of Pharma QC is Automation and Digitalization: Podcast

The Future of Pharma QC is Automation and Digitalization Podcast

Anke Hossfield (Merck) joins us in this podcast episode on Automation and Digitalization to share her experience on why pharma labs must adapt to the trend to meet Industry 4.0 demands and why choosing the right partner is key.
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Hygiena® BAX® System Helps Svenska Foder with Tighter Control on Salmonella in Animal Feed

Hygiena<sup>®</sup> BAX<sup>®</sup> System Helps Svenska Foder with Tighter Control on <em>Salmonella </em>in Animal Feed

The Svenska Foder AB laboratory evaluated the BAX® System Salmonella assay from Hygiena®, which is approved for Salmonella testing in all foods, feed and environmental samples by both AFNOR and NORDVAL. By using the BAX System the group saw a drop in time to result from 72 hours to 24 hours.
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Charles River Redefines Smart Automation with the Endosafe® Nexus 200™

Charles River Redefines Smart Automation with the Endosafe<sup>®</sup> Nexus 200™

The Endosafe® Nexus 200™ is the next generation of walkaway automated robotic technology for bacterial endotoxin testing. Capable of testing up to 120 samples per automated run, this fully enclosed system is data-integrity compliant while performing serial dilutions via LAL cartridge technology.
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Introducing PhenoMATRIX® PLUS: Plate Autorelease, By Your Rules!

Introducing PhenoMATRIX<sup>®</sup> PLUS: Plate Autorelease, By Your Rules!

PhenoMATRIX® PLUS is the newest PhenoMATRIX® suite release, designed to automatically segregate positive plates or discard negative plates without technical validation.
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bioMérieux Food Safety & Quality: Your Trusted Partner in Augmented Diagnostics

bioMérieux Food Safety & Quality: Your Trusted Partner in Augmented Diagnostics

bioMerieux's suite of solutions for the food industry provides smarter and more dynamic risk assessment in Food Safety and Quality Control, moving from test results to actionable insights, to help ultimately provide consumers with safer products of the highest quality.
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Trying to Initiate Confidence in Your Organizations Data Governance?

Trying to Initiate Confidence in Your Organizations Data Governance?

Rapid Micro Biosystems invites you to view this on-demand webinar for an expert view on how automation with the Growth Direct® System guarantees quality, generating accurate, complete, auditable, and trustworthy data, ensuring all regulatory requirements are met to maintain data integrity and compliance.
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Save Time and Money When Testing for Mycoplasma With Automation

Save Time and Money When Testing for Mycoplasma With Automation

Bring your mycoplasma testing in-house without risk of human error — the BIOFIRE® Mycoplasma system requires only 2 minutes of hands-on time, allowing your team to increase productivity and maximize resources. 
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Liquid Handling:

Advancing Neurotoxicity Research with INTEGRA Pipettes

Advancing Neurotoxicity Research with INTEGRA Pipettes

DNTOX recently won the INTEGRA competition and was awarded 31 EVOLVE manual pipettes, GRIPTIPS® pipette tips worth US $1000, and lab accessories to aid its vital research into preventing developmental and adult neurotoxicity.
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Revolutionizing Laboratory Work with Connected Electronic Pipettes

Revolutionizing Laboratory Work with Connected Electronic Pipettes

By connecting Picus® 2 to your mobile device, you can use the Sartorius Pipetting mobile app to smoothly run sample preparation workflows and adjust the pipette setting automatically, taking your productivity to the next level. Download the infographic here.
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INTEGRA Biosciences Streamlines Serial Dilutions

INTEGRA Biosciences Streamlines Serial Dilutions

INTEGRA Biosciences’ electronic pipettes, automation platforms, and peristaltic pumps are being used to increase the throughput and reproducibility of serial dilutions. These instruments are easily adapted to numerous applications to simplify liquid handling workflows and enhance lab productivity.
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Automated Serial Dilution: Transforming Microbiology Labs

Automated Serial Dilution: Transforming Microbiology Labs

Explore how automation, such as the Serial Diluter UC, transforms microbiology labs, enhancing efficiency and sustainability in routine liquid handling.
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NGS Made Effortless: Introducing MIRO CANVAS from INTEGRA Biosciences

NGS Made Effortless: Introducing MIRO CANVAS from INTEGRA Biosciences

MIRO CANVAS was developed to meet the growing need for fully automated NGS sample preparation with verified protocols for short- and long-read sequencing applications to ensure accuracy, precision and reliability for high quality results.
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Tecan Launches Resolvex® Prep: A Leap Forward in Automated Sample Prep for Chromatography

Tecan Launches Resolvex® Prep: A Leap Forward in Automated Sample Prep for Chromatography

Resolvex Prep overcomes several challenges associated with chromatography sample prep by using direct displacement pipetting to avoid the hazards associated with volatile solvents and accommodating sealed sample tubes to prevent evaporation during processing.
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Date Published: 24th October 2023

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