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3rd December 2019 Content supplied by: Merck Millipore
Take Your EHEC Testing to a New Level! Be Assured of Compliance with USDA FSIS Regulations

Secondary Assay for Greater Confidence
The Assurance® GDS EHEC ID E. coli O157:H7 Tq 4-channel multiplex assay is designed to follow the Assurance® GDS E. coli O157:H7 Tq assay. Potential positive enriched samples from the first assay can be genetically confirmed as containing E. coli O157:H7 per the revised USDA FSIS definition (including stx1, stx2, and fliC:H7 genes).Additionally, the GDS EHEC ID assay can also be used to confirm isolated colonies from presumptive positive samples for E. coli O157:H7 as part of the cultural confirmation.
Results are available the same day when using the complete Assurance® GDS EHEC method, saving precious time for your perishable food samples.
Key Features:
- 3 levels of specificity: PickPen® IMS, primers, and gene probes
- AOAC® PTM validated composite 375 g sample sizes of raw ground beef, raw beef trim, frozen finely textured beef and carcass cloths
- Single harmonized proprietary mEHEC® enrichment
- Clear results available same day - no interpretation required
Date Published: 3rd December 2019
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Detection of Low Bacterial Load