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30th September 2020  Content supplied by: The Baker Company

Now, You Can Put a Price on (Biological) Safety with Baker's New Cost of Ownership Calculator

Baker is proud to announce the next generation of Cost of Ownership Calculator. With rising energy costs, one needs to think differently about budgeting for a biosafety cabinet. The average useful life of a biosafety cabinet is 15 years. Your cabinet purchase needs to fit not only this year's budget but your budget for the next 15 years! This version of the calculator allows you to compare an older generation of Baker’s biosafety cabinet or an average BSC. Comparisons are available in multiple sizes (3ft, 4ft, 5ft, 6ft). In addition, for those that have a very specific specification that they’d like to compare, a custom biosafety cabinet can be populated. The model owned can then be compared against the latest Baker SterilGARD® biosafety cabinets so you can make an educated decision on your next purchase!

Furthermore, this Cost of Ownership Calculator uses different calculations and considers more data points than the previous version. The additional data points include air conditioning and facility costs.

The results are calculated, and a number of categories are broken down to explain the total cost of ownership. Results show the comparisons for the following categories:

  • Cabinet energy costs
  • Cost to condition room supply air due to cabinet head load
  • Cost to condition room supply exhausted air
  • Cost of facility to operate exhaust fan
  • Filter replacement costs

The final comparison takes into account all of the above and highlights the total cost to operate the cabinet ($/15 year) with a note to show the savings from utilizing Baker’s Low Flow Mode.

From there, users can email themselves or someone else the results or edit any of their previous answers and generate a new set of results.

Please use the following link to try out this new tool!

SterilGARD® e3 is an NSF* Class II Type A2 Biosafety Cabinet. With the optimum balance of performance and energy efficiency, Baker’s biological safety cabinets protect personnel, product, and the environment, all while increasing lab productivity and user comfort. Learn more about Baker’s range of Biological Safety Cabinets here.

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Date Published: 30th September 2020

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