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1st February 2019  Content supplied by: Amazon Filters Ltd.

Efficient Removal of Wine Spoilage Microorganisms

1906_AmazonFiltersWineSpoilageAmazon Filters offers a range of high performance SupaPore VPW sterile filters designed to efficiently remove all spoilage microorganisms from wine.

Due to its high levels of alcohol and acidity, the only microorganisms that can survive in wine are yeasts, lactic bacteria and acetic bacteria. In addition, wine can also suffer from taints brought on by moulds on poorly-cleaned winery surfaces, particularly the insides of barrels. One of most effective tools for eliminating contamination with these spoilage organisms is filtration using membranes with a pore size smaller than 0.45 µm.

In wine production it is important that the wine is microbiologically stabilised for prolonged shelf life. This needs to be achieved without affecting the nature of the product and in a cost-effective manner. In response to this industry need, Amazon Filters developed the SupaPore VPW filter range which contains an advanced single layer PES membrane that offers the highest flow rates whilst effectively removing all spoilage microorganisms.

The SupaPore VPW filter is the first choice for most applications in red and white wine applications. However, where the wine presents challenges from a life perspective then the SupaPore VPWA is used, because of its integral prefilter layer that significantly extends product shelf life. Both these high-performance filters provide excellent flow rates and superior throughputs, without affecting taste, aroma or colour. All materials of construction are fully compliant with European and US food contact legislation.

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Date Published: 1st February 2019

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