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5th August 2014  Content supplied by: 

Detect + Protect Solutions Service for Food Microbiology

Hygiena has acquired DuPont Diagnostics, the global food safety diagnostics business of DuPont. Including the BAX® System, RiboPrinter® System, Lateral Flow System, StatMedia™ and Dehydrated Culture Media. Visit


At the recent IAFP 2014, DuPont Nutrition & Health officially launched its Detect + Protect Solutions service, an integrated food protection program. In line with DuPont’s corporate vision on food security and safety, the Detect + Protect Solutions service combines the knowledge of a global team of experts in food microbiology, microbial detection and food protection with proprietary analytical processes to give food manufacturers customized solutions.

“Food manufacturers face complex microbial challenges in their production facilities and with their products,” noted Larry Steenson, Sr. Principal Scientist, Food Protection, DuPont Nutrition & Health. “With our new service, we can offer them customized solutions that support effective food protection—e.g., helping reduce spoilage and food waste. In connection with a comprehensive food protection program, our solutions help manufacturers protect the reputation of their brands and also help keep their products fresh longer, and that’s positive for their bottom line.”

A Customized Program to Make the Invisible Visible

The Detect + Protect program is comprised of three fee-for-service modules, each based upon unique tools and processes, which are customized by project:

  • Assess – the microbial environment through sampling and biomapping
  • Monitor – the microbial evolution in products
  • Control – unwanted organisms with antimicrobials and/or processing hurdles

The Detect + Protect food microbiologists use all the capabilities of DuPont, including the latest genotyping methods and specific media, high-throughput microbial screening equipment, as well as their extensive knowledge in food applications and antimicrobial solutions. To support this program, DuPont has gathered a unique team of senior scientists, food microbiologists and statisticians to come up with an in-depth understanding of the microbial ecology of the analyzed food product and relevant solutions for their customers.

“Despite the best efforts in food production facilities, invisible microbes often find their way into finished products, reducing shelf life, and increasing food waste and product recalls for companies,” said David Horowitz, Sales Director, Food Protection. “Detect + Protect gives manufacturers the possibility to make the invisible visible and help them find the best solution for their environment. Manufacturers can take advantage of single modules or all three.” By optimizing production processes and adjusting cleaning processes, manufacturers may be able to decrease rework and reduce waste. “A testament to the Detect + Protect program is that using its protocols, we helped one company reduce returns by 95 percent in only three months.”

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Date Published: 5th August 2014

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