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10th June 2024  Content supplied by: Condalab

CDL-96: The Thermocycler That You Need

The advancement of technology in the scientific field has been very significant in recent years. As techniques improve, so does equipment. In the field of molecular biology, the PCR technique has been revolutionary.

PCR is a technique for detecting organisms by amplifying a conserved region of their DNA. This process occurs at three different temperatures and repeats over several cycles of denaturation, annealing, and extension.

The reaction takes place in an equipment called a thermocycler. It consists of a thermal block that changes temperatures to facilitate the reaction.

Real-time thermocyclers allow one to observe the results as the reaction occurs. They measure the fluorescence emitted by the reaction and display it on a graph that is very easy to interpret.

At Condalab, we have launched the CDL-96, a state-of-the-art Real-Time thermocycler. It features 4 or 6 detection channels and a touchscreen and is very easy to operate. This equipment, in addition to detection, allows for sample quantification.

It offers users all they might need to perform any kind of PCR assay with ease because of these advantages:

  • Up to 96 sample throughputs to perform in a single run.
  • Unmatched temperature control thanks to the Peltier heating and cooling method.
  • Special temperature settings to support PCR assays of up to 12 thermal gradients.
  • Powerful software analysis tool for qualitative analysis, endpoint fluorescence analysis, dissociation curve analysis, and SNP analysis.

This thermal cycler is an open system, allowing you to work with PCR kits from our Condagene line and other kits on the market.

For more about Condalab's CDL-96 Real Time System, contact us.

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Date Published: 10th June 2024

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