Puritan CDC recommended specimen collection devices for Brid Flu H5N1

Microbiology News: clinical, Nov 2023

Experience the Picus® 2 Difference and Boost Your Lab’s Productivity

21 Nov 2023 | Food & BeverageClinicalLaboratory EquipmentPharmaceutical

Sartorius Picus 2
Picus® 2 electronic pipettes boost lab efficiency like never before. Discover the ultimate pipetting solution to enhance connectivity throughout the lab, speed up workflows, increase traceability and repeatability, prevent pipetting errors, and streamline documentation automation.Download Infographic here. more...
Santas sleigh and a selection of Puritan swabs
Puritan has all the specimen collection tools you’ll need in your sleigh this season: cotton, foam, spun polyester, and our patented flock-tipped swabs. And, we have dry transport tubes as well as liquid media to get your sample to the lab. more...

Revolutionize Colony Counting

06 Nov 2023 | Food & BeverageClinicalLaboratory EquipmentCosmetic/Personal Care

Revolutionize Colony Counting with Interscience
The manual counting of colonies on Petri dishes is a long and painstaking process and may vary in the beginning and the end of a single day, depending on the operator. The Scan counts with up to 98% accuracy in a constant and repeatable way. more...
C Diff Quik Chek complete toxin enzyme immunoassay cassette
Cited in ESCMID guidelines, the C. DIFF QUIK CHEK COMPLETE® rapid EIA assay simultaneously detects GDH and toxin. One single cassette completes the multistep algorithm for accurate, rapid, cost-effective C. difficile testing. more...