Charles River Endosafe Cartridge Technology

Featured Products

Discover How CHEMUNEX® Solution Will Improve Your Profitability

 Discover how CHEMUNEX® solution will improve your profitability, gaining efficiency on both production floor and laboratory.Accelerate the supply chain Release your products faster Decrease up to 20% off the required storage areaReduce Production time Save up to 12 days on quarantine time Rapidly respond to contamination incidentsReduce Quality control time Test commercial

3P® Plates for Environmental Monitoring of Cleanrooms and Isolators

 bioMérieux develops and manufactures a wide range of microbiology solutions specially designed to fulfill the specific requirements of the BioPharmaceutical Industry such as our 3P® plates (Pharmaceutical Proven Performances) for environmental monitoring of clean rooms and isolators.These plates offer you the best compromise between excellent growth and good neutralization

Automated Media Filler for Plates and Tubes

 Compact in design - MEDIAJET from INTEGRA offers the unique flexibility to fill Petri dishes of various sizes, Petri dishes with two compartments or test tubes of various diameters and length.  - automated preparation of consistent high quality, contamination-free media in Petri dishes and test tubes - built-in "Agar Spread

Puritan Fecal Opti-Swab® Collection and Transport System

A New Fecal Testing Kit From Puritan!Puritan Medical Products would like to announce their brand new Puritan Fecal Opti-Swab® Collection and Transport System. This all-in-one kit has everything needed for the collection and transport of clinical fecal specimens — either from stool or rectal sample collection. Each kit includes a sterile HydraFlock®

New Low Endotoxin Recovery White Paper from Lonza

Just Released! LER White PaperAs QC professionals, you may know that Low Endotoxin Recovery (LER) continues to be a topic of debate and complex challenge in the endotoxin community.To help ensure the latest developments about LER are available to QC professionals, like you, our new White Paper, “LER: Beyond the Controversy”

Charles River Microbial Solutions

Charles River Microbial Solutions Rest assured, if it’s in there, we’ll find it – and tell you what it is. Our purposely-built portfolio of micro QC products and services delivers the rapid, accurate and reliable data you need to fuel quick decisions on product quality for release. Place

Lonza QC Insider™ Toolbox

Look Closer! LER FAQs Technical TipLow Endotoxin Recovery (LER) is a current topic of debate in the endotoxin community. It has been defined as the masking of endotoxin in undiluted biological drug products. To help ensure QC professionals are equipped with the latest information about LER, resources are available in our QC

QC Insider™ Toolbox - Endotoxin Expertise at Your Fingertips™

 QC Insider™ Toolbox - Endotoxin Expertise at Your Fingertips™The new QC Insider™ Toolbox puts support right at your fingertips – support you and your team can access any time and from anywhere in the world.QC Insider™ Support – One-on-one guidance, software support, and more from our QC experts QC Insider™ Training –

Multichannel Manual Pipette Sets Volumes 10x Faster

INTEGRA announces the launch of eight and twelve channel versions of its innovative EVOLVE manual pipette.Unlike traditional pipettes which utilize a single rotating plunger to set volumes, the EVOLVE pipette features three adjustable dials for setting each individual volume digit. Simply depress and twist the plunger to unlock the volume dials.