Puritan CDC recommended specimen collection devices for Brid Flu H5N1

Clent Life Science

We are a UK based manufacturer of molecular biology reagents for DNA and RNA. We manufacture the Microzone brand of products. A range of PCR mastermixes, rapid Direct 2 PCR buffers, sequencing buffers, molecular grade water and more. Some have been on the UK market for over 20 years and still ahead of the competition.  We manufacture MicroLYSIS RNA for COVID testing - this allows customers to skip extraction and go straight to RT-qPCR in 15 minutes. Used with swabs, saliva and VTM.

United Kingdom

01384 444585

Microbiology Product Areas


NOTE: The products listed in this section may not be approved for clinical diagnostic use in your jurisdiction. You must assume these products are unregulated and therefore cannot be used for routine testing and reporting of results unless otherwise stated.
Assay Development Show all suppliers
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Show all suppliers
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Show all suppliers
Respiratory Viruses Show all suppliers
SARS-CoV-2 Show all suppliers
Zika Virus Show all suppliers