Puritan CDC recommended specimen collection devices for Brid Flu H5N1

GMO Testing Kits

GMO Testing Kit

Principle: Simplex or Multiplex, conventional or Real-time PCR

Automation: Yes

Suitability: Low to high throughput detection and quantification of GMO in food, feed and seed

Capital equipment required: Standard equipment


Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are grown on an increasingly large scale. The varying worldwide approval and labelling situations create challenges for GMO testing laboratories. This makes having a reliable and experienced partner in GMO testing essential. Our GMO testing kits allow for the identification or exclusion of single GMO events and can be applied to a wide variety of processed and unprocessed food and feed products. Eurofins GeneScan Technologies’ kits can be applied to answer questions such as…

  • Does the sample contain GMOs or GM material?
  • Which GMO events are present and are these events approved in the country of destination?
  • What is the proportion of the GMO in the sample and does the sample have to be labelled?
  • Is there a technically unavoidable presence of GMO due to cross-contamination or a botanical impurity?

All these questions and more can be answered with the help of our comprehensive GMO kits portfolio.

Key Points:
GMOScreen GMOIdent GMOQuant

Screening kits covering all relevant commercialized GMOs


Event-specific kits for the identification of single GMO events

Quantitative event-specific kits based on official EURL methods

Enhanced efficiency through multiplex screening kits

Modification-specific kits answer different questions in one step

Multiplex kits and quantification of screening targets reduce costs and save time

New targets for advanced screening approaches

Exclusion of non-approved GMOs

Quantification in relation to species-specific reference

GMO screening table for fast and reliable interpretation of results

Kits for the detection of GMO plants and animals



Kit Portfolio

The GMO testing kit portfolio contains a large range of screening, identification and quantification kits for a number of genetically modified organisms. For more information please refer to our product list or contact us at kits@eurofins.com.


    Food & Beverage
Company contact details:

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Website: Visit Website
Tel: +49 160 967 399 98