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10th June 2019  Content supplied by: ViroStat Inc.

ViroStat Releases New Monoclonal Antibodies to Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Lipoarabinomannan (LAM) is an abundant and significant surface antigen of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is shed during growth and studies have shown that it can be found in both sputum and urine during active TB disease.

ViroStat has just released two new MabyRab™ Rabbit Monoclonal Antibodies that are specific for Mycobacteria LAM. These new antibodies form a pair for the detection of LAM and are reactive with all strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis tested. They offer new tools for TB research and potential for rapid detection of this scourge.

These new antibodies join a unique collection of existing Rabbit Monoclonal Antibodies to Candida albicans, Strep A, Strep B, Strep pneumoniae, Aspergillus species and Legionella from ViroStat.

ViroStat is a primary manufacturer, supplying infectious disease reagents to researchers and rapid test manufacturers since 1985.

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Date Published: 10th June 2019

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