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20th April 2021  Content supplied by: Promicol B.V.

Promicol System for Rapid Microbial ATP Detection in Dairy Products

Promicol offers a comprehensive solution for rapid microbial ATP detection to enhance the Quality Control (QC) procedures of the food/beverage industry. The Promicol System is based on ATP bioluminescence to detect microbial ATP in a wide range of food/beverage products, including UHT & ESL dairy products. The Promicol System encompasses instrument, reagents, software and service, allowing a rapid detection of microbial contamination in finished products, an early identification of process failure and, therefore, a faster product release.

Rapid testing of dairy products such as UHT milks, ESL milks, microfiltrated ESL milks and even goat and sheep milk is always possible with the Promicol System. Thus, dairy producers have the option to use a very simple method with a high sensitivity for daily QC routine of their dairy products like:

  • White milks
  • Lactose reduced milks
  • Skim milks
  • Flavoured milks
  • Puddings & Desserts
  • Cooking Sauces
  • Milks with added vitamins
  • Creams & Creamers

The Promicol reagents are specially designed to process many types of UHT & ESL dairy products. However, if a specific solution is required, Promicol offers a custom fitting study to find the perfect solution for special products or product range, guaranteeing the highest sensitivity.

Furthermore, by using the Promicol System to test UHT & ESL dairy products, no sample preparation is required,  preincubation takes 2 days, and afterwards, up to 96 samples can be measured with Promicol’s instruments in only 25 minutes. In the end, results are automatically analysed by the software, enabling the user to easily interpret them based on a colour code.

Promicol provides solutions for customers with low, medium or high sample throughput. The different test systems are optimized to challenge the number of tests needed – from 10 samples a day up to 400 samples per hour.

Promicol aims to develop a long term relationship with its customers, built on trust, innovation and expertise. It is our goal to provide a service that is in touch with the needs of your quality management and to your demands from rapidly changing markets, making ATP work for you, together with you.

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Date Published: 20th April 2021

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