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28th May 2024  Content supplied by: Rapid Micro Biosystems

NEW in 2024! Growth Direct® Rapid Sterility Detection in as Little as 12 Hours

Growth Direct® Rapid Sterility System

The only fully automated, non-destructive platform for rapid sterility testing, the Growth Direct® Rapid Sterility System is designed to deliver a TTD (time-to-detect) in as little as 12 hours. Much faster than the traditional method requiring a 14-day endpoint incubation, it also provides final results in as little as 1-3 days. Growth Direct® Rapid Sterility System is a rapid alternative membrane filtration sterility test meeting the harmonized USP <71>, designed to:

  • Enable rapid response to contamination with real-time detection notification
  • Reduce risk by automating traditional processes prone to human error
  • Enhance data integrity avoiding sample handling and data processing errors
  • Maintain test integrity by reducing risk of secondary contamination with a closed-loop design and non-destructive technology

Sterility testing is a critical quality control (QC) step for final release of product.
The Growth Direct® System overcomes QC challenges with novel growth-based technology that features advanced robotic automation, powerful optical imaging, algorithmic vision analysis, and data management. The result is fast, accurate detection and digitization that can boost productivity in your microbial QC lab while eliminating manual sample analysis and recordkeeping.

Rapid Sterility Testing in a 5-step sample process with a final result in as little as 1-3 days.
Improve your quality control system and reduce the potential for costly mistakes that could lead to warning letters, hundreds of hours of unnecessary investigation work, and millions of dollars in lost productivity. Get more information about Rapid Sterility Testing.

If you have additional questions about automating rapid microbial detection and enumeration for your QC microbiology, visit Rapid Micro Biosystems or click on the Request Information button below to contact the supplier.

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Date Published: 28th May 2024

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