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25th September 2014  Content supplied by: Pro-Lab Diagnostics

Microbank® - the Proven Culture Storage System

For over 25 years Pro-Lab's Microbank® has provided a reliable, ready-to-use cryogenic culture storage system suitable for all types of microbiology laboratories. Microbank is the original storage system with a well proven track record of efficient storage and retrieval of bacterial and fungal cultures, including fastidious and anaerobic organisms. The system is currently used in microbiology labs worldwide including many  reference culture collections.

Easy and Efficent Storage of Stock Cultures

cryogenic microbial culture storage system
  • Specially formulated preservative gives longer survival of fastidious bacteria and higher quantitative recoveries
  • Chemically treated beads provide improved bacterial adhesion
  • Large 2ml vials with triple depth external threaded caps reduces risk of contamination and wider tube diameter gives more room for mixing to ensure beads are properly coated
  • Available in five colours - allows a colour coding system for different bacterial species
  • Industry standard robust cryovial withstands snap freezing with liquid nitrogen
  • Larger writing area for complete coding and reference data

Microbank® World Wide Performance Portfolio Extensive reference data is available from customers, cemters of excellence and reference collection sites worldwide detailing 25 years of successful storage of a wide range of cultures. For more details email

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Date Published: 25th September 2014

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