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5th February 2024  Content supplied by: Condalab

Condalab, Your Allies for Salmonella Control

The detection of microorganisms is essential for the food industry, given a single contamination implies a risk to the health of the consumers.

One of the most important microorganisms to detect is Salmonella spp., since it causes salmonellosis. This severe disease affects the intestinal tract with a mortality rate of 12%, and is the second most common gastrointestinal infection in humans.

Salmonella is present in the intestines of animals and humans, hence its presence in food indicates a lack of hygiene.

At Condalab, we offer all standard culture media for the detection and confirmation of Salmonella spp. according to ISO regulations. Our culture media is available in powder and diverse ready-to-use formats, practical to avoid culture media preparation.

In addition, we have chromogenic media to obtain the results faster and easier to interpret, since it simultaneously allows detection, quantification, and identification. This media can be used as secondary media in accordance with ISO standards.

ISO 6579:2017 establishes the procedure for detecting Salmonella spp. in food samples with the following media:  

  • Buffered Peptone Water for the pre-enrichment of the sample
  • Rappaport Soy Broth (Vassiliadis) and MKTTN Broth for selective enrichment
  • XLD Agar as primary isolation media
  • CondaChrome® Salmonella as secondary isolation media

Regarding rapid techniques, apart from culture media-based ones, our Condagene® line includes a qPCR kit that allows you to quickly detect Salmonella spp., highly recommended for rapid confirmation due to its specificity and sensitivity.

If you want to know more, please visit our website to discover Condalab's complete solution for Salmonella detection or use the Request Information button below to connect directly with Condalab.

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Date Published: 5th February 2024

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