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3rd July 2018 Content supplied by: Bio-Rad Laboratories
Bio-Rad Launches a New PCR Kit and Chromogenic Media

Bio-Rad are exhibiting at IAFP
- Bio-Rad will showcase rapid pathogen diagnostic solutions- iQ-Check real-time PCR kits and Chromogenic media- including brand new offerings for the detection of Vibrio spp. and Bacillus cereus.
- The game-changing quadruplex iQ-Check Vibrio real-time PCR kit, simultaneously detects the three main Vibrio species (V. cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus, and V. vulnificus) and an internal control, in raw or undercooked seafood including fish and shellfish, both faster and more accurately than existing methods.
- A newly formulated Vibrio Enrichment Broth (VEB) enables same-day detection with a single-step enrichment that requires only 7 hrs of incubation.
- The kit eliminates false positives by using Bio-Rad’s Free DNA Removal Solution that reduces free or dead cell Vibrio DNA. Specialized probes and primers also help to prevent aberrantDNA amplification. RAPID'B.cereus is the first chromogenic medium allowing the enumeration of all the pathogenic Bacillus cereus species including Bacillus cytotoxicus in food samples. Due to its unique sensitivity, this media enables food microbiology laboratories to deliver the right result in a single step.
Find out more: or come check out our new products, iQ-Check Vibrio PCR kit and RAPID'B.cereus media at IAFP Booth 821.
Date Published: 3rd July 2018
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