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14th June 2021  Content supplied by: The Baker Company

Baker Ruskinn Webinar Introduces a New and Innovative O2 Controlled Culture Chamber

Introducing PhO2x Box - A new gas controlled hypoxia system

On 30th June 2021 - Join Baker Ruskinn and Dr. Krista Rantanen for an informative session on their new and innovative O2 controlled culture chamber.

Topics discussed will be:


  • CO2 incubator compatibility, resulting in a tri-gas chamber
  • Low oxygen workstations compatibility that enables multiple O2 atmospheres in one go
  • Instrument use as a standalone benchtop solution for small model organism studies
  • Features review: touchscreen with CO2/O2 monitoring, hypoxic cycling, data logs, and 2 sizes of culture chambers
  • Affordable & flexible physoxia solution

This webinar is offered several times. Select the time that works best for you.

Register here or Contact us for more information.

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Date Published: 14th June 2021

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