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13th July 2022  Content supplied by: Porvair plc

Automated Barcode Applicator for Microplates and Petri Dishes

Porvair Sciences have introduced the eGecko² – an automated barcode application system that provides the ideal high throughput solution for precisely applying barcode labels onto racks of plates and Petri dishes.

Based upon a robust and proven label printer and print engine, the eGecko² is a completely integrated printer and application unit in one, requiring only an electrical supply for operation.

A choice of easily exchangeable operating heads allows you to apply labels on both flat and curved surfaces. Programmable Z axis motion control application macros allow the eGecko² to automatically adjust between plate types (shallow to deep well) and Petri dishes and then position and apply the labels accordingly.

Powerful, yet highly intuitive software enables the creation of label position and the ability to run the eGecko² automation simultaneously. Integrated third party software, Bartender, is used to directly drive data to the printer. Alternative data can be used upon request.

Using its fully integrated PC, eGecko² enables you to connect to your network LIMS system to allow live data transfer and validation of application labels. Running in the on-board optional verification mode, eGecko² allows you to print and verify all labels to ensure no unreadable labels enter your workflow.

For further information on the eGecko² please visit or contact Porvair Sciences using the Request Information button below.

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Date Published: 13th July 2022

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