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23rd June 2014  Content supplied by: Invisible Sentinel

Veriflow® Food Pathogen Tests Adopted by Microbac Labs

Microbac Laboratories, Inc. has adopted Invisible Sentinel Inc.’s Veriflow® diagnostic technology for the rapid detection of bacterial pathogens in food. Microbac Labs are a diversified commercial testing laboratory group with over 30 locations throughout the US.

The adoption of Invisible Sentinel’s entire suite of Veriflow® assays by Microbac follows a period of validation studies at selected Microbac laboratories. The assays were validated for various environmental surfaces and food products, including specialized foods such as confectionary products. The Veriflow® system combines the sensitivity of real-time PCR tests with the ease of use associated with vertical-flow-based diagnostics.

“We have found Veriflow® to be an accurate and reliable technology that offers the advantages of a molecular method with the efficiency of earlier-generation tests,” said Brad Stawick, Microbac’s Corporate Director of Microbiology. “The addition of Veriflow® assays to our capabilities will help us to assess potential food issues accurately and promptly.”

The Veriflow® product line has been approved by AOAC International, a global standardization organization, to detect bacterial contamination in a wide variety of food types and on various environmental surfaces. The product line for food testing consists of Veriflow® SS, for Salmonella species; Veriflow® LS, for Listeria species; Veriflow® CA, for Campylobacter; and Veriflow® LM, for Listeria monocytogenes. Also available is Veriflow® BRETT, to determine levels of Brettanomyces in wine.


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Date Published: 23rd June 2014

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