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11th March 2019  Content supplied by: Reading Scientific Services Ltd (RSSL)

RSSL Allergen Management - Providing the Complete Solution

RSSL’s fast-turnaround, reliable and comprehensive food allergen testing service will help you meet food labelling requirements, ensuring consumer safety and protecting your brands reputation.

Managing allergens can be a constant challenge for any business large or small. Taking the right approach will give consumers the confidence they need in your products. RSSL can provide you with a complete food allergen management solution. We provide a comprehensive range of analysis, training and food allergen consultancy services to help you control and manage allergens within food manufacturing and retailing.

Allergen Testing Services:

We can support you with:

  • Food labelling requirements
  • Substantiating free-from claims
  • Environmental swabbing
  • Manufacturing facility allergen risk assessments and control plans
  • Guidance on sampling protocols to help validate controls

We hold UKAS flexible scope for ELISA and PCR techniques and can test a broad range of sample matrices, including cooked and raw food products, ingredients and environmental swabs for process monitoring.

Using the latest analytical techniques we can test for all 14 allergens subjected to mandatory labelling under the EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation


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Date Published: 11th March 2019

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