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16th November 2022  Content supplied by: Sartorius AG

Free Download - Accelerating Vaccines and Virus Research eBook

Vaccines research, development, and manufacturing processes saw unprecedented advancements over the past two years while responding to the global COVID-19 pandemic largely due to the efforts and collaborations in the scientific community. Vaccine development is a multi-step process that begins with the analysis of virus biology, infection mechanisms, and host responses before determining vaccine and other therapeutic mechanisms. These are often followed by candidate selection and pre-clinical and clinical assessment before regulatory approvals for use in humans. While highly effective COVID-19 vaccines were developed and approved for public use less than a year since the SARS-CoV 2 genomic sequence was published, this also prompts us of the constant need for continued development of vaccine research and manufacturing processes to combat future viral threats at even faster timelines.

Download the eBook to see how Sartorius’ innovative solutions advance and accelerate the discovery and development of new vaccines and therapeutics against viral infections.

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Date Published: 16th November 2022

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