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29th April 2024  Content supplied by: Diamidex

A New Challenger Enters the Rapid Total Viable Count Field

Diamidex's MICA Highlight Total Viable Count (TVC) Solution

  • Labs are being offered the opportunity to beta-test Diamidex's MICA Highlight TVC before it hits the market.
  • MICA Highlight TVC is a solution for all water matrices, combining speed, quantity, and accuracy.
  • Developed for heterotrophic plate count, it can treat up to 80 analyses per 8-hour period with only 24 to 48 hours of culture.
  • The beta-testing process includes signing up for 2 to 4 weeks, performing 100 comparative analyses, filling out three questionnaires, and enjoying preferential pricing at launch.

When faced with a high volume of sample to test, there are only three questions to ask yourself :

  • Is your solution quick enough to deliver results in time?
  • Is your solution able to handle the volume of test?
  • Is your solution accurate enough despite its speed and efficiency?

The truth about the current market for anaerobic plate count on water is that there is no solution with specs high enough in these three fields simultaneously. One must make a tradeoff at some point, and it ends up impairing many labs' efficiency and productivity.

However, this does not mean solutions that approach the ideal blend of speed, quantity, and accuracy are not being developed. One of them is Diamidex's latest solution for all water matrices: MICA Highlight Total Viable Count (TVC).

Based on a new technology specifically developed for heterotrophic plate count, MICA Highlight TVC is able to treat up to 80 analyses per 8-hour period with only a short 24 to 48 hours of culture depending on microorganisms and give accurate results in Colony Forming Units (CFU). Here is a full list of its current specifications :

MICA Highlight TVC is currently in its final development stages and will be commercialized later this year. However, before it hits the market, we are offering laboratories the opportunity to beta-test the solution. We ask for participating laboratories to perform at least 100 comparative analyses with both MICA Highlight and their standard method of use. For up to four weeks, they will have access to our entire solution shipped directly to their lab and will also benefit from a preferential price for the commercial launch.

Our goal is to update our software with data as precise as possible to offer unmatched precision, as well as upgrade the hardware and HMI to make it as user-friendly and simple as possible. We also strive to update our water matrix compatibility to widen the use of MICA Highlight. Our philosophy is to streamline the process as much as possible, as we did with our MICA and MICA Advance technologies.

Here is a recap of the beta-testing process :

  • Sign-up for 2 to 4 week
  • Entry and shipping are free of charge
  • Perform a minimum of 100 comparative analyses and share the results with us
  • Fill three questionnaires (before, during and after the test)
  • Enjoy preferential pricing at launch

This beta-test can last up to a month and is free of charge, try this cutting edge technology for yourself and help us create the ideal solution, tailored for your needs.

Interested? Sign-up directly on our website and get in touch with us to start your beta-test program. Alternatively, use the Request Information button below to connect directly with us by email.

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Date Published: 29th April 2024

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