Puritan CDC recommended specimen collection devices for Brid Flu H5N1

Microbiology News: other, Aug 2022

Standardized and Scalable: SphereFlash®, Automatic Colony Counter

25 Aug 2022 | Food & BeverageClinicalLaboratory EquipmentOtherPharmaceuticalVeterinaryCosmetic/Personal Care

SphereFlash Automatic Colony Counter
With SphereFlash®, automatic colony counter for laboratories, you gain time while ensuring standardized results. SphereFlash® is a high performance, scalable device, with a small footprint, that detects colonies from 0.046mm. more...

AMSBIO Custom Lentivirus Service Provides Tailor-made Products

01 Aug 2022 | ClinicalOtherPharmaceutical

Optimized Lentiviral Vectors
The AMSBIO custom lentivirus service includes the design and construction of the vectors, providing you with high quality viral particles on which you can rely. Offered for various constructs, researchers can choose from a wide range of expression vectors, more...