User-friendly and Cost-effective Solutions to Automate Your Microbiology Laboratory
AES-Chemunex, Inc. (visit website) is holding a series of free to attend seminars, features include scientific presentations and hands-on instrument demonstrations on:
Sample Preparation Learn how you can blend the most difficult samples quickly and inexpensively; eliminate the need for inefficient diluent bottles; find out how to weigh, dilute and store the dilution parameter in less than 8 seconds per sample!
Media Preparation Learn how to produce high-quality plates automatically at very low cost every time; discover how to automate your pour plate production!
Rapid Methods Learn how you can provide results on a real-time basis, for any testing volume; discover our unique technology with its range of analyzers and applications!
Wireless Temperature Monitoring Wireless Temperature Monitoring Learn how a wireless central temperature monitoring system will let you save hours of daily labor and eliminate the risks of incubator or refrigerator failures!
Intended for Microbiologists, Lab Directors and QA/QC Managers involved with Food, Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics, Hospitals and Research Labs
This seminar is free to attend and will be held at the following locations: 21st April 2005 - Newton, Massachusetts, USA 5th May 2005- St. Louis, Missouri, USA 19th May - Princeton, New Jersey, USA