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How to Choose an Autoclave - Unbiased, On-line Assistance from Priorclave


Over recent years, time and circumstance have changed the buying culture of sterilisers. Traditionally, purchase has usually been driven by obsolescence, inefficiency or cash flow dependency and often without a second thought to "tailoring" the specification to suit the application. Unfortunately, there is small consolation in discovering an autoclave wasn't quite up to the job it was bought for.

Modern requirements for performance testing, monitoring and calibration, however, have lead to the development of a whole new breed of Laboratory Autoclaves, with a wealth of options and accessories, delivering the best sterilising performance with hard copy back-ups for verification. But how does one navigate through this wealth of information?

Priorclave have come up with an answer with their new website, the product selection page presents a few variables such as price range, loading format and capacity before presenting a list of suitable Priorclave models.

Once a model has been selected from the list, tick boxes allow selection of the type of loads preferred for the process. Finally, selecting the type of laboratory work undertaken e.g. General Laboratory, Health Service Laboratory or Pharmaceutical Laboratory, completes a simple but effective means of honing the specification prior to clicking the "GO" button!

The site will then put together a technical sheet on the selected model along with a list of options and accessories in three different categories; (i) recommended, (ii) suggested and (iii) general. Depending upon the type of load selected and user type selected the items in these categories change to give you the most effective selection for your purpose.

An on-line quotation (in Sterling, Euros or US dollars) can be obtained from Priorclave but, the purchaser will also be armed with enough ammunition to source an alternative supplier - if preferred. There really is no catch!.

NOTE: This item is from our 'historic' database and may contain information which is not up to date.

Source : Priorclave Ltd. View Company Information

Posted on May 6, 2004

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