Puritan at ECCMID

48 Hour Protocol for Detection of Cronobacter spp (E. sakazakii) in Powdered Infant Formula

chromID Sakazakii
Typical colonies appear blue-grey or blue-black within 24 hrs.
chromID™ Sakazakii from bioMerieux

chromID™ Sakazakii Agar is a chromogenic medium for the selective isolation and presumptive identification of Cronobacter spp (Enterobacter sakazakii) in powdered infant formula (PIF), ingredients, baby food and production environment samples.

chromID™ Sakazakii Agar is a ready-to-use and an optimized formulation based on the R&F Enterobacter sakazakii chromogenic plating medium formula (ESPM) described by L. Restaino et al. (R&F Laboratories).
It contains two chromogenic substrates which reveal two enzyme activities of Cronobacter spp strains:
  • D-glucopyranosidase, common to all Cronobacter spp

  • SsD-cellobiosidase, which allows the detection of weak D-glucopyranosidase strains

Thus, this innovative medium provides a higher level of sensitivity than other commercially-available chromogenic media.

Typical colonies are blue-grey to blue-black within 24 hrs of incubation.

It can be used in the standard ISO/TS 22964 method but has been specially adapted to the new short protocol.

A new reliable shortened two-day solution
This simplified protocol allows a single selective 24 hr enrichment for PIF, ingredients, baby food and production environment samples followed by an isolation on the chromID Sakazakii medium.

Thanks to the CEB supplement* (Cronobacter Enrichment Broth) added to high quality bioMerieux Buffered Peptone Water, this short protocol provides higher sensitivity and greater recovery than the ISO/TS 22964 protocol.

This is the only commercially-available method, that allows 48 hrs Cronobacter spp detection versus 72 hrs for ISO, and is also useful for highly-contaminated samples such as PIF production environment samples.

* Customized production

NOTE: This item is from our 'historic' database and may contain information which is not up to date.

Source : bioMerieux (industrial applications) View Company Information

Posted on January 14, 2010