Milliflex Oasis® System

Principle: Membrane filtration, widely used and recommended by global pharmacopeias, is the method of choice for water and bioburden testing in the pharmaceutical industry.
Automation: No
Approvals: Compliant with USP (US Pharmacopoeia), Ph. Eur., and JP (Japanese Pharmacopoeia) recommendations
Suitability: Bioburden testing, water testing
Capital equipment required: No
Not only comfortable to use, the Milliflex Oasis® system is relaxing for your mind: 96 new features take care of all that matters in productivity—reliability of results and regulatory compliance.
We offer you a complete solution, including services, for a secured workflow with the highest throughput capability:
- All-in-one filtration equipment
- Ready-to-use sterilized filtration units
- Pharmacopeia-compliant culture media
Key Points:
The Milliflex Oasis® filtration system for water and bioburden testing comes with a great number of features to create a more efficient workflow. These new features increase the ease of your bioburden testing – from productivity, reliability, as well as regulatory compliance.
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Tel: +[49] 6151 72-0