Puritan CDC recommended specimen collection devices for Brid Flu H5N1

Microbiology Buyer Directory : Microbiome

Sector: Microbiome

Test type: 18S

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MAGneat Post PCR Clean Up

MAGneat PCR Clean Up Beads provide a rapid, effective, and efficient removal of unincorporated dNTPs, dyes, enzymes, salts, primer dimers, etc.  The beads can be automated with Microzone's HeiDi-NA bead processing system. Alternatively, MAGneat PCR Clean Up Beads can be used with other manufacturers' automation and our own manual bead

MegaMix HRM PCR Mastermix

MegaMix HRM mastermix simplifies your High-Resolution Melting (HRM) assays swiftly and reliably. MegaMix HRM is a 2X concentrated PCR mastermix that contains Microzone's own dsDNA dye; microGREEN. Plus, MegaMix HRM includes Microzone's PCR-enhancing buffer optimised for HRM analysis. Our dye, microGREEN, comfortably identifies Class I - IV SNPs. This mastermix


microCLEAN is used to “clean” DNA post PCR for products up to approximately 1Kb in size. A simple and quick method that removes unincorporated dNTPs, primers, dyes, etc. The resultant DNA is then ready and suitable for downstream applications. There is no use of beads, columns, or alcohols

16S/18S/ITS Amplicon Metagenomic Service

16S/18S/ITS amplicon metagenomic sequencing is designated to sequence the target genes of 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA), or 18S rRNA and Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) by universal primers. The services are applied to study the phylogeny, taxonomy and diversity from complex microbiomes.

Suppliers who have products in this sector:

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APC Microbiome Ireland
CD Genomics
Creative BioMart Microbe