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11th July 2017 Content supplied by: Hygiena International Ltd
Pasteurization Verification in 5 Mins with ZymoSnap

The new ZymoSnap ALP from Hygiena is an innovative alkaline phosphatase (ALP) testing system designed to verify pasteurisation efficiency in short shelf life dairy products within just five minutes.
Hygiena’s ZymoSnap ALP has been specifically developed to offer reliable, definitive and repeatable results, even at low levels (25-100 mU/L), ensuring confidence in results. Featuring a convenient all-in-one design and requiring only minimal equipment, the system is simple to use without specialist knowledge or testing facilities. The new ZymoSnap ALP has been independently validated by Campden BRI, the recognised provider of scientific, technical and advisory services to the food, drink and allied industries.
Hygiena’s ZymoSnap ALP has been designed for ease of use and high performance, as well as significant time and cost savings compared with conventional ALP testing methods. For many years, the industry has relied on systems that require high capital and running cost, unstable reagents and positive control leading to wastage and the need for glassware. ZymoSnap ALP overcomes all of these challenges offering a cost-effective solution via convenient disposable devices with a long shelflife. It enables testing to be performed at limits well below the globally recognised regulatory level of 350 mU/L. Utilising Hygiena’s patented snap-valve technology, ZymoSnap ALP provides sensitive and reproducible results, while allowing users to meet their sustainability objectives by being a 100% recyclable test device. ZymoSnap ALP Positive Control Kit provides a reference point at the regulatory limit of liquid milk and validation of other dairy products.
“Manufacturers of dairy products are under constant pressure to demonstrate compliance with international safety and quality requirements. That’s why they need to regularly monitor and verify the efficiency of their pasteurisation process,” says Dr Martin Easter, Chief Scientific Officer, Hygiena. “With this in mind, we have developed ZymoSnap ALP to enable tests to be carried out rapidly allowing for an immediate pass/fail assessment and trend analysis. It has never been easier or quicker to ensure that pasteurisation processes are operating efficiently.”
ZymoSnap ALP is compatible with Hygiena’s multifunctional EnSURE monitoring system, a high-sensitivity luminometer used to detect various indicators and bacteria such as coliform, E. coli and Enterobacteriaceae. Hygiena’s bespoke SureTrend software enables instruments to be programmed and results to be easily analysed and presented.
For more information about the innovative ZymoSnap ALP testing system, please visit www.hygiena.com
Date Published: 11th July 2017
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