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28th July 2014  Content supplied by: Medical Wire & Equipment Co

MWE to Push Ahead With Distribution of Flocked Swabs

A Düsseldorf Court in Germany has ruled that Puritan’s flocked swab products do not violate Copan’s European patents. In an immediate response to this finding Copan irrevocably withdrew inspection proceedings against Puritan.

David Ellis, Managing Director MWE commented on this court ruling saying “This is great news for the industry as a whole. MWE was always very confident that the court would find in favour of Puritan. The positive outcome is testament to the great work done by Puritan in bringing a superior alternative product to the market. We have worked very closely with Puritan over a number of years and recently secured exclusive (UK and Ireland) and non-exclusive distribution rights to Puritan’s HydraFlock® and PurFlock Ultra® flocked swabs. This ruling allows MWE and its distributors to focus on selling without unnecessary distractions.

Richard Seuke, Sales Director also says, “Puritan’s HydraFlock® and PurFlock Ultra® flocked swabs are the next generation of flocked swabs. We will of course be letting all of our customers know immediately of this great result. Should any medical professionals require these products please contact us immediately.”

To see MWE's full range of Flocked swabs please visit

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Date Published: 28th July 2014

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