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10th December 2021 Editorial by: Paul Carton
Goodbye Autoclave, Hello ReadyStream® - A rapidmicrobiology Podcast

Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany sponsor this podcast.
Goodbye Autoclave, Hello ReadyStream® - A rapidmicrobiology Podcast
The ReadyStream® System is a revolutionary pre-enrichment workflow in food pathogen testing, removing the legwork and hands-on time conventional methods require. Listen to Scott Medley (Global Product Manager, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany) explain its novel features and benefits.
Click this link to download transcript
Discover more about the ReadyStream® system at or use the 'Request Information' option under the biography.
[1:03] - The ReadyStream® System's functions and purpose
[1:46] - Advantages over other rehydrate media on the market
[3:16] - The story of its invention
[5:07] - Energy and water savings to be made
[8:11] - What happens if I don't use all the bag in one day?
[9:02] - Media traceability
[10:45] - ISO Standard compliance
[11:50] - How is it operated under a laminar flow hood?
[13:41] - ReadyStream's versatility

Date Published: 10th December 2021
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