Medical Wire Equipment Co Ltd

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18th October 2016  Content supplied by: Medical Wire & Equipment Co

Flu is Coming! Are You Ready?

For better results tomorrow ... choose Medical Wire Today!

Viral transport medium: ∑-Virocult® and ∑-VCM™ offer combined collection offer combined collection and transport systems for viruses, incorporating a specially formulated liquid transport medium, which is M40-A Compliant.

∑-Virocult® is the leading transport swab device for viral specimens. It is completely suitable for processing by traditional cell culture and the latest PCR based techniques. It has played a leading role in the surveillance and control of major epidemics such as SARS, avian flu, swine flu, Ebola and MERSCoV.

∑-VCM™ is a newer product, based on Sigma Virocult® but in addition to viruses, also well suited for chlamydia, mycoplasmas and Neisseria gonorrhoeae.




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Date Published: 18th October 2016

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