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20th July 2016  Content supplied by: Solus Scientific Solutions Ltd.

AOAC-RI for Solus Listeria™ and Salmonella™ – Meet us at IAFP Stand 839

AOAC-RI Salmonella and Listeria KitsSolus Salmonella™ and Solus Listeria™ pathogen detection tests have been given Performance Tested Method status by the AOAC Research Institute (AOAC-RI) Listeria # 041601 for the detection of the Genus Listeria and # 051601 for the detection of the Genus Salmonella.

These approvals validate each assay as a highly reliable method for detecting Listeria species in bagged lettuce, hot dogs, frozen raw shrimp, smoked salmon, soft cheese and from environmental surfaces or Salmonella species in raw beef trim (375g), raw salmon fillet, raw chicken, bagged lettuce, instant non-far dry milk, cheddar cheese, shell eggs and from environmental surfaces respectively.

These tests already have AFNOR approval, so this just reinforces how good these tests are.

Solus Pathogen detection tests can be used in conjunction with the Solus DS2 automated system to provide pathogen detection for a scalable number of samples at any time. The Solus DS2 system provides accurate, easy-to-use, high-throughput and cost effective pathogen detection solutions, as customers have come to expect today.

The Solus DS2 system can run from 1 to 186 samples at a time, giving laboratories the capacity of almost 600 samples in an 8 hour day. One operator is easily able to manage two DS2 systems simultaneously, meaning the Solus DS2 system probably provides the ‘best pathogen detection productivity’ available on the market today.

For more information visit or to request an appointment, please contact:

Ray Wakefield Email: Telephone: +44 (0) 01623 429701

Solus Scientific are exhibiting at the ‘IAFP Annual Meeting’ – (Stand 839). IAFP Annual Meeting, St Louis, Missouri (July 31 – August 3 – 2016)

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Date Published: 20th July 2016

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