Charles River Endosafe Cartridge Technology

Autoscribe Keeps Track of Your Samples

Autoscribe Sample Tracker is a Windows based system that enables you to track the progress of samples and work and provides the following benefits:

• Greatly simplifies management by tracking work and samples
• Enhances traceability and accountability by automatically auditing all actions
• Saves time by automatically allocating tests to samples as they are registered
• Eliminates errors by allocating a unique identifier to each sample
• Provides immediate feedback on work progress using the status features
• Enhances available information through standard set of reports e.g. trend of sample turnaround times
• Allows easy upgrade to full LIMS functionality with full protection of entered data

Sample Tracker allows the registration of samples, the creation of worklists, progress/status checking, chain of custody management and reporting. Details of sample submitters, product types and users, with their associated authority, are all stored within the system.

The Sample Tracker sample registration function permits users to design the screen to reflect local needs. Sample Tracker sample registration provides a “browser” for selecting substances which automatically assigns a series of tests to the sample. Sample Tracker sample registration also offers a notes database field. Automatic label generation with bar-codes is supported.

Sample test suites can be assigned automatically and if required modified to accommodate changes in the testing regimes.

Test Selection Screen
The status of samples and / or tests is easily viewed using simple selector screens.
Sample Status Screen
Sample Tracker is supplied with a standard suite of functional reports including Worksheets, Work Pending, Sample Status and Audit Trail.

Summary Report
Any laboratory system should comply with GLP (Good Laboratory Practice), and Sample Tracker is no exception. Any changes to data are recorded a long with the date and time of the change and identity of the user who made the change. All such historical data may be reported as required. In order to accommodate GLP, GMP and ISO9000 requirements, the system automatically records who performed essential functions related to a sample and when they occurred. Sample Tracker retains revisions of each record within the database which can be used to track the history of a sample.

NOTE: This item is from our 'historic' database and may contain information which is not up to date.

Source : Autoscribe Ltd. View Company Information

Posted on August 4, 2005