ISO16140 Validation of ADIAFOOD® Salmonella spp. Duplex PCR, Sample to Result in 21 hr.
| Following validation of the ADIAFOOD® Listeria monocytogenes Duplex kit, AES CHEMUNEX has just received ISO 16140 validation for its ADIAFOOD® Salmonella spp. Duplex kit. Based on real-time PCR technology, this range of 'ready to use' kits combines sensitivity, specificity and especially speed. |
ADIAFOOD® kits have been developed to have a simple, easy to use protocol:
Exclusive to ADIAFOOD®: An extraction and amplification internal control validates the whole PCR process, and checks for the absence of inhibitors, giving total confidence in the result. ADIAFOOD® range also offers a solution for the detection of Listeria spp, E. coli O157:H7 and Campylobacter. Other ISO16140 AFNOR and AOAC validations are in progress. |
NOTE: This item is from our 'historic' database and may contain information which is not up to date.
Source : AES Chemunex [France]
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Posted on July 28, 2010