Charles River Endosafe Cartridge Technology

New Veterinary AST Discs from OXOID

Antimicrobial susceptibility discs

Thermo Scientific Limited has extended the comprehensive range of Thermo Scientific Antimicrobial Susceptibility Discs to include a number of agents that are used in the veterinary field, as follows:

Ceftiofur (CT1751B) – a third generation cephalosporin active against Gram- positive and Gram-negative bacteria (including b-lactamase producing strains) and used in the treatment of respiratory diseases in cattle (including lactating cows), swine, sheep and horses. It has also been approved for use in the treatment of foot rot in cattle and for the control of early poultry mortality in day old turkeys.

Lincomycin/Neomycin (CT1757B) – used against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria in the treatment of mastitis in lactating cows, this combination drug improves the spectrum of antibacterial activity and reduces the likelihood of resistance development.

Lincomycin/Spectinomycin (CT1758B) – used in the treatment of bacterial pneumonia, arthritis and enteritis in animals, this combination is effective against a wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria (including Gram-negative anaerobes), Mycoplasma spp and Spirochetes.

Florfenicol (CT1754B) – a broad spectrum quinolone used against a range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, in particular in the treatment of respiratory and enteric infections in cattle, horses, dogs and fish.

Penicillin/Novobiocin (CT1755B) – a combination drug used in the treatment of mastitis in dry cows caused by Staphylococcus aureus and/or Staphylococcus agalactiae.

Thermo Scientific antimicrobial discs are manufactured to the highest international standards. The range offers the widest, most up-to-date selection of antimicrobial discs available and, due to close links with the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies, new agents and concentrations are introduced rapidly to the standard range as required by customers.

For further information about Thermo Scientific antimicrobial discs and the Thermo Scientific range of products for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing, contact Carlene Simmons [details above].

NOTE: This item is from our 'historic' database and may contain information which is not up to date.

Source : Thermo Scientific. View archived contact details

Posted on August 26, 2005