New Thermo Scientific Medium Speeds Up Listeria Enrichment
Thermo Scientific Limited has launched a unique new enrichment broth for the complete selective enrichment of Listeria species from food samples in just 24 hours.
Thermo Scientific Novel Enrichment Broth - Listeria (ONE Broth) eliminates the need for secondary enrichment, providing a simpler procedure and allowing faster detection of Listeria-positive samples.
The carefully balanced formula of ONE Broth (product code: (CM1066/SR0234E) has been developed by Thermo Scientific to provide optimal resuscitation, recovery and growth of even low numbers of Listeria species from a single 24 hour enrichment incubation. This saves time and materials compared to dual broth methods (such as ISO 11920-1) and allows the enriched sample to be plated directly onto the agar medium of choice (such as Thermo Scientific Chromogenic Listeria Agar Plate PO5165A). Recovery levels using ONE Broth for 24 hours were shown to be equivalent to, or better than the ISO enrichment method (refs 1,2).
Food contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes is a significant source of illness and death around the world and the case fatality rate in recent outbreaks has been as high as 20 - 30% (ref3). Products, such as new ONE Broth, allow manufacturers of ready-to-eat foods to detect Listeria contamination earlier than by conventional methods, providing valuable peace-of-mind as products are released into the marketplace.
References: 1. Thermo Scientific Poster - Folio No. 1033, July 2004 2. Data on file, Thermo Scientific Limited 3. WHO, Disease Outbreak Report, 29 February 2000
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