AOAC-PTM Cert Crystal Diagnostics Xpress - E. coli O157 in Beef Trim
Crystal Diagnostics has received an additional AOAC-PTM Certification for its Xpress System for the rapid detection of E. coli O157 in beef trim. This new certification, along with previous certifications for raw ground beef and spinach, brings the total number of CDx accreditations to three.
Using unique liquid crystal technology, this advanced rapid pathogen detection system efficiently processes and analyzes ten 375 gram raw ground beef or beef trim samples (or 200 gram spinach samples) per hour, significantly improving throughput versus conventional PCR batch testing. Crystal Diagnostics Xpress system uses less enrichment media, reduces incubation time and provides diagnostic results in 20 minutes, versus 90 to 180 minutes required for PCR. This means that product produced at 10:00am can be released from inventory by 8:00pm the same day.
Crystal Diagnostics is currently developing additional protocols and kits for the detection of the Big 6 STEC's, Listeria, Salmonella spp. and strain specific Salmonella. The Company expects the Big 6 STEC's to be completed and AOAC certified by late fourth quarter, with the others shortly thereafter.
NOTE: This item is from our 'historic' database and may contain information which is not up to date.