Puritan CDC recommended specimen collection devices for Brid Flu H5N1

Rapid, Simple Device to Develop Your Own Lateral Flow Assays

RapidAssays ApS have introduced a new concept in assay design, gRAD short for generic rapid assay device has been developed with the aim of simplifying immunochromatographic (lateral flow) assay development. It is a rapid, simple to use, fully integrated and mobile test platform that allows both qualitative and quantitative assay development without the need for specialised equipment.

To develop your own gRAD assay you produce an assay specific test reagent which is mixed with the sample before application to the gRAD. The test reagent contains your capture antibody (biotinylated) and your detection antibody conjugated to a gold colloid for which a simple kit is offered. If the assays is to be carried out in-house then the test reagent can simply be stored frozen, or if you wish to develop a field test the reagent can be freeze dried.

gRADs can be read visually for qualitative or semi-quantitative assays, if quantification is required a number of mobile or lab based reader options are available. RapidAssays ApS also offers the RLQ (ReaderLess Quantification) system which utilises your flatbed scanner or other imagining systems with a free to use, homepage based image processing software.

The major advantage of the gRAD system is that the one pre-made gRAD can be used for any number of different assays. This means that no application is to small and gRAD based assays can be applied to markets that are not relevant for traditional lateral flow assays. With gRAD you are now able to develop rapid assays for routine in-house testing. Unlike ELISA, gRAD based assays require little or no training or facilities and can be carried out where and when you require. Due to its simplicity and versatility the gRAD system allows the development of many university, government and industrial assay applications that have not previously been viable.

NOTE: This item is from our 'historic' database and may contain information which is not up to date.

Source : RapidAssays ApS View Company Information

Posted on August 30, 2010