Baroxymeter: Rapid Toxicity Detection of Waste Water
| Toxicants in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) influent may inhibit the biological activity of the activated sludge and upset the plant process. This can be avoided if influent wastewater is monitored for toxicity and protective action is taken when toxicity is detected. Early warning systems for toxic incidents or even routine monitoring are fairly limited in Waste Water Treatment Plants. The analytical instruments, which are able to detect and estimate the toxicity of the influents and effluents, are mainly laboratory-based and typically require several days to produce a result and they are expensive. Yet effective waste management could only realistically be achieved with a rapid method to detect a toxic effect in situ, if possible. |
The BAROXYMETER is a portable respirometer designed for the Direct Toxicity Assessment (DTA) of Waste Water. DTA takes a risk-based approach to water quality analysis, using effects in biological systems as a basis for assessing likely harm to an ecosystem in water receiving effluent discharges. With DTA an integrated assessment can be made of the impact of complex mixtures of pollutants, which can usually only be partially characterised by chemical analysis.
The instrument will be launched in January 2007, and has been designed with user, application and cost efficiency in mind. |
Source : TCS Biosciences View Company Information
Posted on January 1, 2007