Bio Rad water quality testing solutions

Mercia EIA- The Most Advanced Infectious Disease Antibody Testing Available

Mercia IgG and IgM Infectious Diseases Enzyme Immuno Assays from Microgen Bioproducts continue the successful line of Mercia brand enzyme immunoassays for Syphilis and TORCH.

Mercia G and M kits provide laboratories with the most advanced features currently available in microtitre based assays. User convenience is catered for with all-liquid reagents including ready to use conjugate and substrate. Every stage of the assay is colour coded for added convenience and security. Washing buffers is specially formulated to avoid problems associated with salt crystallization below 8°C. Calibrators are included, as is a Calibration Control for in-process control.

The assays can be performed using either serum or plasma samples and the total assay time is less than 2 hours.

All Mercia - G or M kits (Rubella, CMV and Toxoplasma) employ the same reagents, buffers and procedural steps enabling easy automation of these assays on a single machine or platform.

NOTE: This item is from our 'historic' database and may contain information which is not up to date.

Source : Microgen Bioproducts Ltd. View Company Information

Posted on March 12, 2007