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Microbiologics Launches New Quantitative CRM QC Microorganism Product

Epower™ CRM
Microbiologics has launched a new quantitative Quality Control microorganism product that is classified as Certified Reference Material. Epower™ Certified Reference Material (CRM) is designed to help laboratories maintain compliance to ISO/IEC 17025 standards. Microbiologics is a leading manufacturer of biological reference materials for Quality Control testing in Food, Pharmaceutical, Environmental, Clinical, and Educational microbiology laboratories.

Microbiologics Chief Executive Officer, Brad Goskowicz, commented, 'Government agencies, including the United States FDA and USDA, are strengthening regulatory requirements for food manufactures in the wake of growing numbers of major product recalls. Stronger food safety regulations worldwide have influenced many testing laboratories to seek out ISO 17025 accreditation.' ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Section titled, Reference Standards and Reference Materials, states, 'Reference materials shall, where possible, be traceable to SI units of measurement or to certified reference materials.'
Goskowicz added, 'In order for laboratories to maintain compliance with ISO 17025, they need to use Certified Reference Materials; that's where Microbiologics can help. We provide Quality Control microorganisms, as Certified Reference Material, in easy-to-use, convenient, and affordable formats.' As an ISO Guide 34 accredited manufacturer, Microbiologics is officially recognized as a Reference Material Producer and is authorized to produce Certified Reference Materials.

Quantitative Epower™ CRM microorganism preparations are used for validation, verification and calibration of microbiological test methods, processes, equipment and personnel. Microbiologics is offering the new Epower™ CRM product in 46 of the most common Quality Control microorganism strains. Customers are able to choose from an array of concentrations ranging from 102 to 108 colony forming units (CFU) per preparation to meet their specific test requirements.

The Epower™ CRM kit includes a vial of 10 lyophilized microorganism pellets, a peel-off identification label, a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis, and Instructions For Use. The Certificate of Analysis provides detailed data describing each lot's Certified Value, Expanded Uncertainty, and Standard Deviation as required by ISO Guide 34 for Reference Material Producers.

Epower™ CRM is the second Certified Reference Material product that Microbiologics has launched. In 2010, Microbiologics introduced Lab-Elite™ Certified Reference Material, a qualitative microorganism preparation.

NOTE: This item is from our 'historic' database and may contain information which is not up to date.

Source : Microbiologics, Inc. View Company Information

Posted on July 2, 2012